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Friday 26th February

Good Morning Nursery, today is our last day of learning on the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty.


1. I would like you to make an egg and soldier’s breakfast. Can you cut up your pieces of toast like soldiers and dip them into your boiled egg?

2. I have got 2 writing activities for you. Can you follow the steps to draw your own Humpty Dumpty? I also have some patterning for you to do. Can you create your own patterns on Humpty Dumpty's Wall?

3. We have been listening to rhyming stories every day. Have you been able to hear any of the rhyming words? I have got a rhyming power point for you to have a go at. Can you click the pictures that sound the same? For example cat and hat, or frog and log.


For today’s screen free afternoon I have found you a picture hunt to go on. If you have a camera you could use that or you could use your hands as a magic camera. What can you take a picture of on an outside walk or around your house?

Today’s rhyming story is Fox’s socks
