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Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice - Geography


December, 2023- Pupil voice

Today, these children (below) were chosen by their class teacher go and speak to Miss Perry, our Geography leader, all about their wonderful Geography work. The children shared what they have been learning about in their Geography lessons, what they have been learning about world issues when watching News Round in class and future jobs they could have in Geography. The children all picked a piece of work that they were proud of in their Geography books to have their picture taken. All children did a fantastic job and had some amazing answers. Well done! 🙂 🌍⭐



"I love learning about our planet and how we can take care of it" - Year 1


"When I'm older, I want to work for a migration charity"- Year 4 

"I would like to work for a wildlife centre when I am older, so I can help endangered species" - Year 2 

"I love Geography as it allows me to learn about different food around the world, cultures and life. I would love to travel to all the continents when I am older to experience this" - Year 5

We asked some of our amazing pupils what vocabulary they have learnt in Geography at St. Joseph's. We put their fantastic responses in a 'Earth Art' mind map...
