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Friday 8th January

Our RE topic for the next 2 weeks is Christmas


Can you remember who is born at Christmas? 


Have a look at the image below. Do you know who these special people are? 


This is a photo of Mary and Jesus. Mary was Jesus' mum. 


1. Can you talk about the picture? What can you see? What is Mary wearing? Do you know when and where Jesus was born? Why is Jesus so special?


2. Can you have a go at drawing your own picture of Mary and baby Jesus? You could also get your grown up to write the names of Mary and Jesus and you can have a go at tracing over the top. 


Get Active!


3. We love to be active in Nursery. We often start our days in Nursery with 'Debbie Doo' to turn our brains on and get us moving. I have attached one of our favourite Debbie Doo's. Can you show your grown ups how well you can dance to Debbie Doo?

Today's Nursery Rhyme is 5 Little Speckled Frogs