Autumn 1
In our English lessons this half term we are reading:
During this unit of work we will be writing:
A wishing tale
A set of instructions
We will also be focusing on a media unit where we will be writing a setting description for a monster's lair.
To start our school year, children will be focusing on numbers to 100 where they will learn to order, compare and partition numbers. Children will move onto learning a range of methods to solve addition and subtraction questions as well as practicing their quick recall of facts. To end our half term, we will be learning all about multiplication including the 2, 5 and 10 times table.
We will start our RE lessons by learning about our class Saint (St Michael the Archangel) and St Joseph, our school Saint. We will begin by learning about ‘Old Testament Stories and Prayers’ where children will learn about the stories and the characters of the Old Testament. They will also be introduced to important images of God found in the scriptures. We will then move onto ‘Sharing in the life of Jesus’ where children will extend their knowledge and understanding of the life of Mary and Jesus and the call of the disciples.
In Science we will be learning all about 'Changing Materials' including the properties of them and which materials is best suited. We will be experimenting with how materials change shape and predicting which materials will stretch the most and be the most absorbent.
In Geography this half term we are learning all about 'Villages, Town and Cities'. We will be finding out about where people live and exploring the different features of settlements. We will then look at the land use within a city and think about some advantages and disadvantages of living in different settlements.
During art this half term, children will be introduced to the idea that artists can be collectors: they go out into the world, look at things in new ways, and bring things back to inspire their art. Children will explore observational drawing and experimental mark making, and think about how they can use composition to create their artwork.