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Spring 2

Guided Reading – This half term we will be reading Iron Man together in class. We will work on developing our comprehension skills by focusing on Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation and Summarising.

Religious Education (R.E.) – This half term we will be focusing on Lent and exploring why this is significant in our faith. We will be exploring change through a variety of bible stories.  

Writing –

Our focus story in writing for this half term is the The Tin Forest. We will be focusing on setting descriptions and how these enhance our writing. We will also write non-fiction persuasive letters towards the end of the half term.


Maths – The focus in maths this half term will be money and time. We will look at conversions between pounds and pence while also using money to add, take away, times and divide. Children will also explore word problems where they will use knowledge learnt in lessons to find answers.

Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar –

This half term, we will be focusing on grammar and punctuation that will help make our setting descriptions better. We will do this by using expanded noun phrases, prepositions, fronted adverbials and present perfect form. There will be weekly spellings that children should practice at home.

Mental Maths -

This half term we will focus on: Multiplication and Division. The children will be continuing to learn their 3, 4 & 8 Times Tables, which will support the mental maths focus on knowing and calculating these facts with speed and accuracy. Please help your child to practise these at home. The children will apply their times tables knowledge to support their learning with division. They will be given the opportunity to solve problems using multiplication and division. The children will continue to use Times Tables Rock Stars and Freckle to support their learning.


The focus for Geography this half term is water, weather and climate.

We will be looking at where earths water comes from, rain and why the UK has such wild weather.


Science – This half terms topic and focus is adaptations. We will be looking at how organisms adapt to different environments as well as the adaptations that animals may have.   

Physical Education (P.E.)

This half term children will be practicing skills for tennis!


Children will need their PE kits in school on Monday and Wednesday.  


French –

This half term we will be learning about the numbers to 30 as well as classroom instructions and days of the week!


Computing –

During this half term in computing we will be learning about online safety and how to send emails. We will also continue to practice coding on SCRATCH.


Music –

Individual skills to be developed on each instrument. Sound technique will be reinforced in each discipline, from percussion (drum kit), to keyboard (correct hand position and fingering).

