Photographs of our learning- Autumn 2
16.12.22 Merry Christmas!!!
16.12.22 We love a dance in Year 1!

15.12.22 Everybody Reading in Class.

14.12.22 Merry Christmas Year 1!

14.12.22 Christmas Jumper Day!
13.12.22 Free Write based on a Christmas advert!

13.12.22 Christmas Shapes!

12.12.22 Year 1’s Elves are having lots of fun in the snow!

8.12.22- Theatre trip visit to see Beauty and The Beast.

6.12.22 Year 1 and Year 2 put on a performance of The Nativity.

2.12.22 The children have been creating and performing some winter acrostic poems in groups.

2.12.22 The children have been creating and performing some winter acrostic poems in groups.

2.12.22 The children have been creating and performing some winter acrostic poems in groups.

2.12.22 The children have been creating and performing some winter acrostic poems in groups.

1.12.22 The Elf is back!!

30.11.22 Phonics. Well done green group who have moved on to their 10th reading book.

28.11.22 The children helped Miss Perry and Miss Kempson with our class Advent Wreath and our Advent altar to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.

21.11.22. In Maths, Year 1 play the game ‘bumps’ in order to receive the bumps champion badge. This helps the children with their mental maths recall.

21.11.22 The World Cup has started in Year 1!

17.11.22 interview with The Three Little Pigs!

16.11.22 Bushcraft day!

16.11.22 Anti Bullying. What does being a kind friend mean to Year 1?

15.11.22 RE. We wrote our own prayers in RE today.

11.11.22 Trip to the temple

10.11.22 Science learning. Children in Year 1 gathered different materials inside the classroom and outside the classroom to build their own walls.

7.11.22. In maths we were looking at positions in a race.

4.11.22 Number pairs to ten!

3.11.22 Retreat Day with Dan and Emily! We learned all our creation and our class focus was the ocean.

2.11.22 Year 1 have been taking part in The Daily Mile. Well done Year 1!

2.11.22 Fact families!

English 2.11.22. Year one have been writing sentences focusing on their capital letters and full stops. Well done Year 1!

2.11.22. Phonics

1.11.22 English ~ The Three Little Pigs. In our English lesson, we read the story The Three Little Pigs. The Big Bad wolf even came to our class for a visit!

RE. 1.11.22. Prayer. In our RE learning, we have been looking at Prayer. We talked about what prayer is and how we pray to God.

Maths 1.11.22