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Prayer Garden

Year 3 led a prayer service for their parents and grandparents. The children chose the theme of saving our planet. They dedicated their service to St. Francis of Assisi who dedicated his life to the poor as well as caring for nature and animals. The children are eager to spread the message from Pope Francis'message in Laudato Si of caring for our planet.

Year 5 parents joined them for their end of the day prayer time. They thought about water; how we can sometimes take it for granted and considered the work of CAFOD in helping our world communities have access to clean water. They thanked God for His wonderful creation. Well done, Year 5!

In their prayer time with their parents this afternoon, Year Two reflected on Pope Francis' letter 'Laudato Si' and thought about what we can do to look after God's creation. The children and parents all wrote promises to live more simply by growing their own vegetables at home, recycling, saving water and turning off the lights when they are not needed. The children also enjoyed showing their parents around our lovely garden and explaining what we have been planting at St Joseph's. Well done, Year Two!

Year 4 parents joined their children for a lovely outdoor prayer service this afternoon. They reflected on Pope Francis' letter 'Laudato Si' and our responsibility to look after God's creation. As part of their prayer time everyone wrote a pledge to Live Simply and took home a reminder of things we can do to care for our world. The children also enjoyed showing their parents around our lovely new garden.

Year 5 led us in a beautiful May procession. It was lovely to see so many of our families joining us for this special devotion to Our Lady. This year we encouraged families to donated plants as a more sustainable alternative to the traditional cut flowers, which the children could plant in the school grounds afterwards.

The transformation of our garden, designed by the CAFOD club. Just look at the difference between the photographs taken before and after. It is now a place for the children to enjoy spending quiet time, to pray, to garden and to enjoy the beauty of God's world.
