Autumn 1
In maths , the children have been challenging each other on their 10 x table.

The Wedding at Cana


Yesterday, Year 1 and 2 took part in a litter pick assembly where they discussed the importance of recycling and putting rubbish in the bin. The children learnt how throwing their rubbish on the floor is bad for our environment and that we need to take care of God's world. The children told our visitor that at St Joseph's we make sure we keep our grounds tidy and we use litter pickers to help the environment. Well done Year 1 and 2! 🙂

Today, Year 1 were working scientifically by conducting an experiment to see what materials would sink in water and which materials would float. Year 1 made excellent predictions about the different materials and what might happen to them using their excellent scientific knowledge. Well done Year 1!🧪💧

Art day

Harvest Mass

Special friends, Fred talk, read the word!!

Owl Visit

Year 1 went on a litter pick around our school grounds as part of World Clean Up Day 2023. World Cleanup Day unites millions of volunteers, governments and organizations, in 197 countries and territories, to tackle the global mismanaged waste crisis and to help create a new, more sustainable world.

13.9.23 - Archaeology In Mind will be at St Joseph’s for the rest of the week digging a test pit test pit on the school field. We will be looking for artefacts that we dig up and find. Well done Year 1!