Spring 1
In our English lessons we will be using Ice Palace to write an advertisement leaflet for Norway and a shape poem about winter.
We will also be using a media clip to write a spy narrative.
We are learning how to use fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and similes in our writing as well as working on our handwriting to earn our pen licences!
Spellings for Spring 1
Spellings are glued into planners on a Thursday to be tested the following Thursday. Please encourage the children to learn the letter patterns and practise their handwriting at the same time.
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading this half term, we are studying the novel Stormbreaker. We will be looking at characters and inference in the book, but also answering comprehension questions based on these using our VIPERS scheme. Our main focus this half term is summarising and explaining our opinion.
In our maths lessons this half term we are learning about:
- Further Multiplication & Division
- Graphs
- Fractions
In Year 4, we work very hard on learning our times tables ready for the multiplication check in the summer term. So, it is very important that we know every times table fact fluently.
Please encourage your child to regularly practise their times tables using TT Rockstars or timestables.co.uk
In Science, we are studying Human Anatomy. The children are learning about the muscles, bones and organs of the human body, as well as the digestive, circulatory and respiratory system and the types of teeth humans have and what they're for.
In history this half term, we are studying the Roman invasions of Britain. We will learn about the Roman Empire, Julius Caesar and his failed invasion of Britain, the invasion that succeeded along with Boudicca's revolt. We will also explore the beliefs of the Romans and what they shared with those places they invaded.