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Summer 1



In our English lessons this half term we are reading:



During this unit of work we will be writing: 

A diary entry 



In our maths lessons this half term we are learning about:


  • Time
  • Money 
  • Pictograms





In RE this half term we will be learning about:


- Easter

- Pentecost

- Our Church 







Our Science unit for this half term is ‘Plants’. Children will record and make observations about plants. They will understand the conditions needed in order for plants to grow and explore the life cycle of a sunflower. We will discover what plants we can eat and how they grow. Children will learn about the work of Jane Colden and what she discovered.






In Geography this half term, we are continuing our learning about ‘Brazil’. Children will locate Brazil on map and identify the human and physical features. We will be exploring why people visit Brazil and the differences between cities in Brazil and the UK. Children will learn about the weather patterns in Brazil and compare them to where we live. Finally, we will explore who lives in the Amazon Rainforest and find out why it is getting smaller.







This half term children will be learning how to play the ukuleles and develop a greater understanding of the different elements of music making.






During this half term, our computing unit is ‘Creating Media – Digital Music’. Children will explore how music can make them think and feel. They will make patterns and use those patterns to make music with both percussion instruments and digital tools. Children will also create different rhythms and tunes, using the movement of animals for inspiration.


