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Spring 2

Our Spring 2 topics are 'Spring' and 'Easter'

RE - We following 'Learning & Growing as the People of God'


  • Lent - Jesus & his Father 
  • Holy Week



In Literacy we will look at the following texts: 




In our Spring topic we will cover the following 

  • Number recognition up to 5
  • Naming and labelling, mark making/ symbols for number, beans counting in order
  • Recite to at least 5 daily routines, counting songs, rhyme time, number blocks
  • Spatial awareness, building, puzzles building, puzzles  - jigsaws, blocks, lego, boxes building, inset puzzles
  • Selecting shapes appropriately Starting to name common shapes in the environment – shape hunt etc.
  • Counting in sequence – Spring loose parts, counting and collecting leaves, flowers, petals, printing  Children at this stage need to be able to count with 1:1 correspondence by moving one object for each name then moving on to static counting.
  • Compare sizes – bigger/ little/ smaller/ hight/ low/tall


In our Easter Topic we will cover the following:

  • Subitisingfast recognition to 3 exposing children to number throughout the day (signs/labels/nativity scene/on a  five frame) modelling quick recognition
  • *Counting  - hide and seek, count down for tidy up time/ coming to the carpet, easter eggs – easter hunt, songs, jumping on the number line/ stepping stones, animals in the story                       Children should be able to now count by moving objects to 3 knowing the end number is the total
  • Pattern – easter egg patterns,  
  • Postion – directions/ maps to find the easter eggs – egg hunt
  • Time – days of the week, Calendar – advent, daily routines


The Natural World 

  • Show care for living things
  • Talk about observations of nature – plants, animals, natural found objects
  • Understand growth and decay over time
  • Notice changes in the seasons


People, Cultures and Communities 

  • Discuss special events and celebrations in their own family.
  • Know some things that makes them unique.
  • Talk about similarities and differences between their lives and the lives of others.


We will be following the Ten Ten Programme of Study and cover the following sessions:


Module 1
Created and Loved by God


Unit 2
Me, My Body, My Health

Session 3
Ready Teddy?


Unit 3
Emotional Well-Being

Session 1
I Like, You Like, We All Like!

Session 2
All the Feelings!

Session 3
Let's Get Real


Unit 4
Life Cycles

Session 1
Growing Up


Creating with Materials


Being Imaginative and Expressive

  • Role Play Area - Garden Centre
  • Actions to our story texts 
  • Nursery Rhymes & Songs

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Old MacDonald

5 little bunnies

Mary had a little lamb

This little piggy

Little Bo Peep

Pitter Patter raindrops

5 little ducks

Hot cross buns
