Photographs of our learning- Spring 2
Easter bonnet parade!

Easter Bonnet Parade

In phonics, the children were reading all about a sweet corn salad. Mrs Perks let the children make their own sweet corn salads to take home.

In science yesterday, the children planted tomato slices as part of an experiment. I wonder what will happen over the Easter holiday...

What’s the time?

Listen to one of our setting descriptions all about The Forest...

Year 1 children have had a lovely afternoon with their parents during our 'Board Games and Cafe afternoon'. This focused on our maths skills such as counting, balancing, addition and subtraction. Everyone enjoyed playing games with their parents and really enjoyed a game of Bingo! Thank you all that came along. Well done Year 1! ☺️

In science today, Year One were learning all about Evergreen and Deciduous trees. The children learnt that Evergreen trees keep their leaves all year round, whereas Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the Autumn time. To demonstrate this, one group of children were the Evergreen trees and the other group were Deciduous trees who lost their leaves when Auumn came. Well done Year 1

17.3.23 In computing, we were programming robots to move forwards.

15.3.23 Watch us count to 100!

15.3.23 Watch us count to 100!

15.3.23 Watch us counting to 100!

In PSHE, we were discussing people who help us. We acted out being different emergency services in class.

Farm on wheels
World Book Day!!

In Year 1, we have been learning about plants in our science lessons. We have learnt what plants need to grow. We then went outside and planted some different flowers with Miss Perry, Miss Kempson and Mr James. Now we will take care of them and wait for them to grow, maybe you can spot them at home time in our new planting area🌷🌼. Well done Year 1! 😊

In PSHE today, we discussed people who help us. The children then drew some posters for the emergency services thanking them for all the work they do. Well done Year 1.

Little Red Riding Hood drama workshop

Little Red Riding Hood Drama workshop

Lent Mass- In Mass, the children buried the Alleluia during Lent whilst we anticipate Easter.