School Logo


Welcome to Reception! 


The members of staff are Mrs Corfield, Mrs Kaur and Mrs Drew.

Children are required to be at school between 8.40 and 8.55am each morning. 


Our PE days are: 


Monday and Thursday but you are welcome to leave their PE kit in school in case of any changes or as a set of spare clothes in case of accidents.


Reading Books


The children need to bring their reading books into school every day so that we can read with them during the week. Please continue to read with your children at home and sign their planners every day to make sure they receive their golden stamp.


Children will be able to bring home two books. One is their phonics book, this is a book for the children to read themselves. The other book is their 1000 stories and is for you to read to your child, or for you to read together. You can change this book as often as you like in our cloakroom area. Just remember to record the title in your child's planner.


For more information and photos, please see the links below
