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Autumn 2

Guided Reading – In Guided Reading, we are studying the book 'Tom's Midnight Garden' by Phillipa Pearce. We will be looking at characters and themes in the book but also answering comprehension questions based on these using our VIPERS scheme. Children will use their retrieval, inference, prediction, vocabulary and summarising skills within lessons.


Religious Education (R.E.) – In RE this term, we are looking at Prayers in the lives of the followers of Christ and Advent.


Prayers in the lives of the followers of Christ - We will be looking at the gestures of prayer, traditional prayers, what Jesus taught us about prayers and the importance of Mass.


Advent - We will be looking at the different candles on the Advent wreath and what they represent. We will also be learning parables that Jesus taught his followers about waiting, writing our own Advent prayers and acting out parables.


Writing – In English this term, we are studying the classic 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. We will be looking at the character of Scrooge and studying his character flaws. We will write a character flaw story from this. We will also be writing a biography on Charles Dickens and writing a descriptive poem of a London street using ‘show not tell’ and the 5 senses.


Maths – In Maths we are focusing on multiplying and dividing numbers by 2 and 3 digits, solving word problems and finding common factors, multiples and prime numbers. Children will continue to practise their arithmetic skills through mental maths and using ‘freckle’ every day, with a focus on times tables, addition and subtraction, etc. It is important that the children know all of their times tables as this will help them in all lessons.


Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar – This term, we will be looking at word level objectives.


Week 1 – word classes

Week 2 – determiners

Week 3 – expanded noun phrases

Week 4 – fronted adverbials

Week 5 – relative and possessive pronouns



We will have a spelling test on a Friday.

The spellings for each week will be glued in your child’s planner at the start of each term.

These are the different focuses for the spellings each week:

Week 1 – words ending in -able

Week 2 – words ending in -able

Week 3 – words ending in -ably

Week 4 – word families based on common words

Week 5 – word families based on common words

Week 6 – creating diminutives using prefixes micro- and mini-


History - In History this term, we are learning all about Crime and Punishment and looking at how crime and punishment has changed throughout the ages to the modern day today. We will be looking and discussing at different methods of crime, how the legal system came into action, look at a modern court today and why crime and punishment in so important in society and the past.


Science – In Science this half term, we are looking at Sustainability. We will be looking at what everyday materials are made from, why recycling is important and what can happen to our world if we don’t recycle. We are also looking at fossil fuels and what happens when these fuels are burnt. We will be looking at what global warming and climate change is and how we can make a difference today for our future.


ComputingIn Computing this term, we will be focusing on Creating media – Web page creation.


This unit introduces learners to the creation of websites for a chosen purpose. Learners identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. Throughout the process learners pay specific attention to copyright and fair use of media, the aesthetics of the site, and navigation paths.


French – In French this half term, the children will be focusing on the world cup and using this as a focus for their French lessons.


Week 1 - To learn and explore vocabulary using different techniques

Week 2 - To read and de-code French football player profiles     

Week 3 - To use words and phrases to say from which place or country a person comes from       

Week 4 - To revise all vocabulary to compete in a vocabulary tournament             

Week 5 - To use my knowledge of football related vocabulary to create a football player profile


Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) – In PSHE this half term, the children will be following the Life to the Full scheme. They will be completing the following units:


  • LTTF: Loved by God - Religious Understanding.  


  • LTTF: Loved by God - Me, My Body,  My Health


Anti-Bullying Week.  


Art / DT – In DT this half term, the children will be making a shopping bag for a grandparent to take shopping with them. The children will design the product using a computer based design, plan and design a suitable product for their user. They will then make and sew their material together to make a finished product. Children will evaluate their product and discuss  environmental issues relating to the wastage of materials, when selecting materials and during designing and making.


Physical Education (P.E.) – In PE this half term, the children will be focusing on gymnastics and football. We will be recapping basic skills such as passing, dribbling and shooting. In gymnastics, children will be learning different movements and stretches.

Children will need their PE kit in school on Monday and Fridays.


Music – In Music this half term, the children will be focusing on Keyboard skills and other instrumental skills developed. They will begin to play with both hands. Also a full drum kit (including feet pedals) will be used to create rhythmic variation.  
