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Spring 1

Religious Education (R.E.)

Christmas: In this unit the children will hear about the story of Christmas from St. Matthew’s Gospel. They will explore the difficulties faced by Mary and Joseph and the tensions that arose in King Herod.

Parables and Sayings of Jesus: In this unit children gain a greater knowledge and understanding of the Parables of Jesus. They explore the concept of the Kingdom of God from the teachings of Jesus and ways in which Christians respond to this teaching today through their belonging to the Church.

Guided Reading –

This half term we are studying the book "The Giant’s Necklace" by Michael Morpurgo. We are reading this beautifully illustrated and well written ghost story set on the Cornish coast. We read for meaning and answer comprehension questions based our VIPERS scheme.

Maths –

 Graphs: In this chapter, pupils read and interpret information in tables and line graphs. This includes understanding information about train timetables, finding how long journeys take and how we could arrive at our destinations at different times. We also study line graphs, beginning with a single line to represent a given set of data, followed by constructing line graphs that have more than one data set to represent.

Fractions: This chapter develops pupils' ability to handle more diverse problems involving fractions, including dividing and multiplying fractions by whole numbers. We will divide whole numbers by whole numbers, giving rise to fractions, show improper fractions and mixed numbers using pictures and progress to finding equivalent fractions, comparing and ordering fractions and using the number bond strategy. We will subtract fractions that are different, finding common denominators and subtracting mixed numbers and improper fractions and will begin to multiply fractions by whole numbers and multiply mixed numbers by whole numbers.

Writing –

Using the text “Artemis Fowl” by Eoin Colfer, we will explore the characterisation of the main character as a criminal genius and use our previous knowledge of Diary writing to create a diary account of Artemis acquiring the magic book.


We will use the poem “The Highwayman” to create our own poetry set in a historical setting.


Our Media Unit uses a short film called Shadow of Blue to create character descriptions of a little girl and her shadow.


Our grammar focus will be: Time conjunctions, addressing the reader, rhetorical questions, metaphor, show not tell, past tense, descriptive language, paragraphs, first person, metaphor, subordinate and relative clauses, description and parenthesis

Mental Maths -

This half term we will focus on:

  •  Timestables with particular emphasis on 6s and 7s
  • Equivalent Fractions
  • Addition of single digit numbers
  • Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
  • Complements to 10 and 100
  • Prime numbers
  • Factors and products
  • Square numbers
  • Real life situations involving money
  • Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000

Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar –

SPAG lessons this half term are on Thursdays and we will test previously learned spelling and have new spellings for the following week.  We will also explore a variety of grammar features to support our work in writing.

Spellings for this half term include: nouns using the suffixes –ity, -ness, -ship; homophones and near homphones

Our grammar focus is: complex sentences; functions of fronted adverbials; using simple past, present and future progressive tense; relative clauses; pronouns and the function of apostrophes.

Science –

Reproductive Cycles:

We will describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird and describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.

We will learn how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro- organisms, plants and animals and give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.

Geography -

In Geography this half term, we learn about Biomes. We discover the names of the 6 major Biomes and their specific climates and how these climates are impacted by their proximity to the equator and the amount of rainfall they receive. We learn where the Earth's six major biomes are located and how their position on the Earth impacts their climates.  We learn about climatic factors and human activities that impact biomes and we study Tundra, Taiga and Grasslands in more detail. We consider how Biomes are damaged and how we can protect them.

Physical Education (P.E.)

In PE this half term children will be swimming and also studying dance and multi skills. In dance we will be translating ideas from a stimulus into movement while demonstrating good fluency and control. Also in multi skills we will be working on a variety of different activities to improve balance, speed, agility and co-ordination. 


Children will need their Swimming kit in school on Tuesdays and PE Kit on Thursdays.

French –

In French we are learning about Space and the vocabulary around this topic.

We will be able:

  • To use nouns and adjectives correctly to create metaphor poetry
  • To make comparisons in French
  • To read and build factually and grammatically accurate sentences

To ask and answer questions and describe and compare planets

Personal,  Social & Health Education (PSHE) –

In PSHE we will be exploring the Relationship and Health Education for Catholic primary schools from TenTen Resources. Module 1: Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.

Computing – Data and Information - Flat File Databases

This unit looks at how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records. Learners will use tools within a database to order and answer questions about data. They will create graphs and charts from their data to help solve problems. They will also use a real-life database to answer a question, and present their work to others.

Music –

In Music we will be learning about traditional music notation, note values, pitch names and time signatures.

DT/Art -

Our Art project will be an exploration of photography using our chrome books to take selfies and experiment with light sources.
