Year 2
Autumn 1
Computing systems and networks – IT around us
The children will find out how information technology (IT) being used for good in our daily lives. With an initial focus on IT in the home, learners explore how IT benefits society in places such as shops, libraries, and hospitals. They will also discuss the responsible use of technology and how to make smart choices when using it.
Autumn 2
Programming A – Robot algorithms
This unit develops learners’ understanding of instructions in sequences and the use of logical reasoning to predict outcomes. Learners will use given commands in different orders to investigate how the order affects the outcome. They will also learn about design in programming. They will develop artwork and test it for use in a program. They will design algorithms and then test those algorithms as programs and debug them.
Spring 1
Creating media – Digital photography
Learners will learn to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs and will gain experience capturing, editing, and improving photos. They will use editing apps on their ipads to manipulate their photos. Finally, they will use this knowledge to recognise that some images they see may not be real.
Spring 2
Data and information – Pictograms
This unit introduces the learners to the term ‘data’. Learners will begin to understand what data means and how this can be collected in the form of a tally chart. They will learn the term ‘attribute’ and use this to help them organise data. They will then progress onto presenting data in the form of pictograms and finally block diagrams. Learners will use the data presented to answer questions.
Summer 1
Creating media - Digital music
Learners will explore how music can make them think and feel. They will make patterns and use those patterns to make music with both percussion instruments and digital tools. They will also create different rhythms and tunes, using the movement of animals for inspiration. Finally, learners will share their creations and compare creating music digitally and non-digitally.
Summer 2
Programming B - Programming quizzes
This unit recaps learning from Year 1 using Scratch Junior and then extends learners knowledge and skills to begin to understand that sequences of commands have an outcome and make predictions based on their learning. They use and modify designs to create their own quiz questions in ScratchJr and realise these designs in ScratchJr using blocks of code. Finally, learners evaluate their work and make improvements to their programming projects.