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Learning about world religions

Last week, Year 3 visited Birmingham Progressive Synagogue as part of their learning in PSHE about being tolerant of different people's beliefs. They were made very welcome and enjoyed looking around and learning about more about how Jewish people pray. The children's behaviour was exceptional during their visit - well done, Year 3!

Reception and Year 1 recently visited a local Mandir. They looked at different artefacts used in Hindu prayer and celebrations. They also found out more about Diwali and how it is celebrated. The children particularly enjoyed playing the musical instruments.

Our children in Early Years had lots of fun learning about Diwali. They spent the day dancing, dressing up, making Rangoli patterns with chalk, having Mehndi patterns drawn on their hands, making diva lamps out of clay and trying some tasty Indian food. They had a wonderful day!

We love to learn about different cultures and religions at St Joseph's. Key Stage 1 & 2 took part in Diwali Dance workshops. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and the instructor was incredibly impressed by the children's excellent behaviour as well as their fantastic dance skills. Well done children! 🤩
