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Year 1

Year 1 National Curriculum


In Year 1, the children will study :


Autumn 1 - Animals including Humans-  The children will be looking in particular at the 5 senses and being able to label the different body parts.


Autumn 2 - Animals including Humans - The children will also look at identifying and naming differnet animal groups such as mammals, fish, amphibians, birds and reptiles. They will study carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.


Spring 1 - Seasonal Changes - The children will observe the changes across the 4 seasons and also look at the different weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies. The children will learn about the scientist George James Symons who invented the rain gauge. 


Spring 2 - Everyday Materials - The children will be looking at a variety of objects and identifying what materials they are made from. They will be able to name everyday materials such as wood, glass, plastic, metal and rock. Children will also look at how they can group materials based on their physical properties and describe the physical properties of everyday materials. They will be learning about the scientist Ole Kirk Christensen who invented Lego. 


Summer 1 - Plants - The children will be looking at a variety of common wild and garden plants and also looking at deciduous and evergreen trees. They will learn how to identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants and trees. The children will have the opportunity to grow their own plants and will look at plants and trees in their local area. 


Summer 2 - The children will complete a range of experiments and will be looking at different scientists. They will take part in investigations and look at how to use simple equipment. 

National Curriculum Documents
