Summer 1
In our poetry unit, we will be looking at the poem ‘What is Pink?’ Children will be creating their own free verse poem about different colours and what represents them. In our fiction writing, the children will be reading The Tiger Who Came For Tea and writing a journey tale. This journey tale could be about a different animal that came for tea and have a different ending. In our non-fiction, the children will be creating their own leaflets all about tigers.
Maths –
- Time
- Money
- Capacity
Computing –
This unit introduces pupils to data and information. They will begin by using labels to put objects into groups, and labelling these groups. Pupils will demonstrate that they can count a small number of objects, before and after the objects are grouped. They will then begin to demonstrate their ability to sort objects into different groups, based on the properties they choose. Finally, pupils will use their ability to sort objects into different groups to answer questions about data.
Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) –
- We will be reminding ourselves of our online safety and ways to stay safe online.
- We will be learning about economic wellbeing in our current lives and what is meant by wellbeing. During this, we will also be discussing ‘money safe’ and the understanding of ‘expense’ in our current economic climate.
- Children will be reminded of our Fundamental British values in class.
- We will be learning about King Charles III and the importance of the upcoming coronation. We will be having a school celebration of the new King.
- Furthermore, we will be recapping our prior learning on PANTS. PANTS is the acronym for:
- Privates are private.
- Always remember
- Speak up, someone can help. your body belongs to you.
- No means no.
- Talk about secrets that upset you.
Physical Education (P.E.)
Children will need their PE kit in school on Monday and Thursday. In PE, the children will be looking at cricket and kickball with Mr Davies.
In Geography, we will be learning about Oceans. During this topic, we will be learning about the names of the oceans, how we can save our oceans, what animals live in our oceans and how we can protect our wonderful oceans. Furthermore, there will be a parent workshop in May for you to make some recycle artwork in relation to our ocean topic.
Science –
In science, we are learning about the four season’s summer, winter, autumn and spring. We will be observing seasonal changes that happen and investigating why this happens. We will be describing different weathers associated with the seasons and looking at how the length of the day varies during each season. Children will be investigating rainfall and will be conducting an experiment to measure this. You will be able to spot them outside our classroom.
- Simple ensemble pieces will be played to develop a repertoire of pieces in advance of the LCM Ensemble Examination.
- Children will be taught presentation skills.
Mental Maths –
- Counting to 100.
- Counting in 10, 2 and 5.
- Fractions ½, ¼ and wholes.
- Multiplication (10 x table and 2x table)
Number bonds to 20.
Religious Education (R.E.) –
Easter- This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the season of Easter as a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. The unit focuses on the importance of the Resurrection and its message.
Pentecost- This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of Pentecost as the fulfilment of Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit. The unit focuses on the coming of the Holy Spirit as a promised gift that brought about a change in the lives of the disciples and how we celebrate and receive that gift in our lives today.