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Spring 1



In our English lessons this half term we are reading:


During this unit of work we will be writing: 

A non chronological report 

A riddle


We will then be moving onto a media unit of writing. We will be using the clip: 'So good to me' to write a diary entry.



In our maths lessons this half term we are learning about:


  • Length 
  • Mass 
  • Money
  • Word Problems 





In RE this half term we will be learning about:


- Christmas 

- Parables and Miracles 

- Special Celebrations 





In Science we will be learning all about 'Human Lifestyle'. During this unit, children will be learning about the different stages of human life as well as the life cycle of animals. We will explore the basic needs of animals and humans and explain why it is important to eat healthy and exercise. 





In Geography this half term we are continuing our learning about 'Villages, Town and Cities'. We will be focusing on human and physical features in our local area. We will also be improving our map work skills. Children will be sketching their own map and thinking about what map symbols to use.



Later in the half term we will be learning all about 'Brazil' 





During DT this half term, we will be making our very own healthy sensational salad. 

