Summer 1 - Habitats
This half term our theme is Habitats. We will have a focus on life cycles, animals and their habitats. We will explore which animals are suited to live in different places and look at types of habitat around us. We will think about how we can look after the world around us and the impact humans have. We will identify places on google earth and a globe and compare them with where we live.
As part of our topic we will engage with role play activities in our minibeast investigation area. Some of our expressive arts and design activities this term will be linked to habitats. We will make bug hotels, shoe box habitats as well as looking at pattern and technique using images from nature.
We are lucky to be able to hatch and raise some ducklings this half term following our work on Growing in Spring term.

Our Talk for Writing texts this half term are 'The Gruffalo' and 'What the Ladybird heard'.
Children will be learning to listen, respond and join in with actions to retell the story. They will answer questions about the text and characters, take part in role play and learn to make their own story maps.
Children will also be writing about the stories using simple phonics to spell words and simple captions/ sentences as well as writing their own stories. They will also be making lists, labels and writing down facts. Children will write instructions, posters and even have a go at some simple fact files.

In maths we will be starting with addition, learning to use counting on as a strategy and securing the foundations for children to be able to confidently count backwards and forwards.
As we move through the term children will learn about odd and even numbers, how to double and halve with different objects, shapes and numbers.
We will also cover mass, volume and capacity, data and money towards the end of the summer term.

In PE this half term children will be working on their skills and learning the rules for two new games- Dodgeball and Tennis. They will be learning to hit a ball at a target accurately using different techniques.
In Music the children will be given the opportunity to use keyboards and ukuleles. They will be learning basic notes and developing better rhythm and listening skills.
In RE children will be learning about Easter in the first part of the half term. Thinking about why it is an important season for the church and noticing changes to our prayer area. They will recognise that it is a special time, when Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected.
We will also be learning about Pentecost. They will know parts of the story of Pentecost and recognise some of the changes that took place in the Apostles. Children will learn about some of the symbols the Church uses to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost.