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RWI Book Skills Progression

Read Write Inc Skills Progression Chart

Group A Set 1 Sounds

The children may know a few single letter sounds.  Lessons include teaching single letter sounds and assisting children to blend (using magnetic letters) in order to read CVC words. The    children practise the formation of letters through the use of a phrase that is associated with the pictorial representation of the letter. After they have learnt the first few sounds they are taught to use ‘Fred Fingers’ to help them record simple words.

Group B Set 1 Sounds

The children know most single letter sounds and now need to learn to blend orally. Lessons also focus on teaching gaps in single letter sounds.

Group C Set 1 Sounds

The children know most single letter sounds and are able to blend orally.  The gaps in single letter sounds are taught and further vocabulary containing ‘Special Friends’.

Ditty Group

The children know all Set 1 single letter sounds speedily and can blend sounds into words orally. They are able to Fred Talk most words. Lesson content involves    continuing to teach and    review Set 1 Sounds with the focus on the Special Friends sh, ch, th, qu, ng, nk, qu. In addition, the children learn to read the sounds and words needed to read a simple Ditty sheet each day. They also write a simple phrase or sentence related to the Ditty they have read.

Red Group

The children know all Set 1 sounds speedily. They are able to Fred Talk most words and are now able to use the same skills to read alien/nonsense words. Lessons involve reviewing Set 1 Sounds and vocabulary. They also learn to read more words containing Special Friends and words that contain 4+ sounds. The children are now reading the Red Ditty Books.  In Reception the lesson follows the format for the previous Ditty Group because the lesson is shorter. 

Green Group

The children are able to Fred Talk real and alien words and also read a range of real words speedily (no Fred Talk)  Lessons involve reviewing Set 1 Sounds and vocabulary containing 4+ sounds. Set 2 Sounds are now taught (ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, or, ar, air, ir, ou, oy) The Story Book lesson runs over three days. The children practise the Speed Sounds and Green Words  related to the Story. They also practise reading Green and Red Words (common exception) speedily. They will   answer questions about the story and practise building sentences orally. They read the story three times with the focus on building intonation and fluency. In addition to Hold a Sentence they proofread a sentence in order to correct spelling and punctuation errors. They also write simple sentences related to the Story Book. These may also be in the form of speech bubbles, lists, posters, recipes,   letters or simple instructions.

Purple Group

The children are able to read most words speedily. Lesson content is the same as for the Green Group, providing children who need it with further opportunities to practise and consolidate.


Pink Group

The children are able to read ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, speedily. They are able to Fred Talk real and alien words and also read a range of real words speedily (no Fred Talk). The Story Book Lessons follow the same three day format and reading activities as detailed for the Green Group. Writing activities also involve composing descriptive sentences, questions and responses and      commands

Orange Group

The children are able to read ar, or, air, ir, ou, oy, speedily. They are able to Fred Talk real and alien words and also read a range of real words speedily (no Fred Talk). Lessons continue to  review Set 1 and 2 sounds. Set 3 sounds are now taught, the focus is on reading at this stage. (ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur, er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, tion, tious/cious). The  Story Book Lessons follow the same three day format and reading activities as detailed for the Green Group writing such as, descriptive sentences, speech and thought bubbles, short sequenced      narrative, shopping list, persuasive invitation and comparative description.

Yellow Group

The children are able to read alien words and real words containing Set 1 and 2 Sounds speedily (no Fred Talk). The Speed Sound Lesson reviews Set 1, 2 and 3 Sounds and now includes writing words containing Set 3 Sounds. The Story Book Lesson extends to five days. In addition to the  previous activities, (see green Group) the children will complete grammar and vocabulary activities and an additional proofread with the focus on grammar. The children are taught to spell Red and Green words, culminating in a Spell Check and Spell Test at the end of the week.      Grammar: verbs, apostrophe, past tense (suffixes and adjectives) prefix –un, plurals using suffixes, joining words and clauses, compound words, adjectives, nouns, past tense statements. Writing   activities include: sequenced narrative, poster, writing in role, short play, advertisement, leaflet, instructions.

Blue Group

The children are able to read a-e, ea, i-e, o-e, u-e, oi, speedily and alien words containing other Set 3 Sounds. They can read a text at 70+ words per minute. The Speed Sound Lesson reviews Set 2 and 3 Sounds. The Story Book Lesson follows the format and activities detailed for the  Yellow Group. Grammar: noun phrases, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, past and present tense, commas in lists, apostrophe (omission), compound words. Writing activities include: newspaper report,   writing in role, letter, invitation, poem, journey description, instructions, persuasive poster.

Grey Group

The children are able to read ai, oa, ew, oi, ire, ear, er, aw, ow, ure, are, ur, speedily and alien words containing these and other Set 3 Sounds They can read a text at 80+ words per minute. The Story Book Lesson follows the format and activities detailed for the Yellow Group. Grammar consists of: co-ordination (or, and, but), progressive in past tense, commands, nouns, apostrophe (possessive), progressive in past and present tense, adverbs, suffixes (ful less), subordination (when if that  because), adjectives, verbs, commands and statements, noun phrases. Writing activities include: informative poster, writing in role, instructions, list, recount, fact file, questions and    answer.

English Group

(In Class)

The children are able to read most alien words and all words (Set 2/3 multi-syllabic) speedily (no Fred Talk). They can read a text at 100+ words per minute.
