Autumn 1
Religious Education (R.E.) –
We will start the year by learning about our school patron saint – St. Joseph and go on to learn about our class saint– St. Anthony of Padua. Our first RE unit focusses on ‘Belonging – We gather as God’s family’. We will consider the different groups we belong to, learn about Baptism as the Sacrament of belonging to the church, identify the signs and symbols of baptism and what happens during the rite of Baptism and then discuss the celebration of the Mass as a gathering for the family of God.
Writing –
The focus book for our writing this half term is Cave Baby by Julia Donaldson and Emily Gravett.
Fiction: Genre adventure story.
We will look at the the description within the text, which will supports the children’s learning to write a descriptive setting and character.
Our grammar focus will be:
Conjunctions, expanded noun phrases/adjectives, similes, fronted adverbials
Non-Fiction focus : Genre: Instructions how to look after a woolly mammoth
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar – This half term, we will be looking at different sentences - We will be looking at simple, compound and complex sentences. We will also explore different word classes: nouns, verbs, adverbs and expanded noun phrases.
We will have a spelling test each Wednesday; the spellings for each week will be glued in your child’s planner ready for the week ahead.
Maths –
This half term we will focus on:
- Numbers up to 1000 and the value of each digit: place value.
- The children will learn how to compose and decompose numbers, compare, order and look for patterns.
- Once pupils master addition and subtraction, they will start to look at problem solving questions and practice using bar models.
The children will cover the multiplication and division of 3, 4 and 8. They will then get to use their experience of multiplication and division to solve word problems.
Mental Maths -
This half term we will looking at:
- mental addition and subtraction within 20 and up to 100.
- multiplication and division facts linked to the 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.
Our focus is on knowing and calculating these facts with speed and accuracy. Please help your child to practise these at home.
History - In history our topic is:
Prehistoric Britain – Stone age, Bronze Age & Iron Age.
The children will learn :
- How do we know about Prehistoric Britain?
- Prehistoric animals.
- Different periods in the Stone Age.
- Similarities & differences between Stone Age periods.
- Stone Age artefacts.
- Life in a Neolithic settlement.
Science –
In science this half term the children will learn to Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers’ They will explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant. They will investigate the way in which water is transported within plants. Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.
Physical Education (P.E.) On Fridays this half term the children will be developing their skills in invasion games, concentrating on football and basketball.
Children will need their PE kit in school on Mondays – as most of these lessons will take place outdoors you may wish to provide navy jogging trousers, sweatshirt and trainers for the children to wear if the weather starts to get colder.
PE lessons are on Thursday and Friday.
Computing – The children will develop their understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices.
The children will learn:
To explain how digital devices function
- Explain that digital devices accept inputs
- Explain that digital devices produce outputs
How to follow a process.
Art –In Art the children will discover how to make drawings that capture a sense of drama or performance using charcoal.
Children will be free from the constraints of creating representational drawings based on observation – instead they use the qualities of the medium to work in dynamic ways. Linking drawing to the whole body helps children see drawing as a physical activity, whilst a sense of narrative feeds the imagination.
French – Using their detective skills to spot cognates and working out meaning, the children will learn
They will begin to write sentences to introduce themselves.
The children will discover that French is spoken in many countries around the world other than France.
Music – In our music lessons with Miss Scoines, we will be listening to recorded music and will decide which instruments are our favourites. We will also continue to develop our Ensemble skills through practical performance using a range of instruments including: keyboards, glockenspiels, drums and steel pans.