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Spring 1


Christmas- This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of Christmas as a celebration of the birth of Jesus. The unit also develops the children’s understanding of the importance of the birth of Jesus through the events that happened before and after, and the impact it had on the people involved.


Jesus our teacher- This unit is designed to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the person of Jesus and his ministry as a teacher and healer. The unit will also develop their understanding of what Jesus’ ministry reveals to us about God, how the Church continues that ministry today in various ways and how Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus in their lives.


In our English lessons, will be looking and reading the book Zog by Julia Donaldson. We will be writing a postcard asking all about Zog’s Dragon school. We are also learning how to write a free verse poetry based upon our Zog learning in class. Children will create their own monster themed poems. In our media unit, we are looking at Lune et Lautre. Children will be learning all about speech, performing speech and punctuating speech.


In Geography this term, the children will be learning about the 7 different continents. The children will learn all about Europe, Oceania, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, South America and North America. We will be learning about the different cultures, climate, wildlife, physical features and human features of the continents. To extend our knowledge, we will then be comparing different continents around our world to see how they are the same and different.


In science, we are learning about Plants and how we grow them. We will be planting bean seeds and looking at how they grow. We will be labelling plants and looking at what they need to survive. The children will learn about the fact that plants  need sunlight, water, and soil to thrive. Plants give us oxygen and food. Learning about plants helps us appreciate nature and the important role they play in our lives.




  • Numbers to 40.  Children will be counting up to 40 forwards and backwards.
  • Addition & Subtraction within 20 and simple addition to 40.
  • Multiplication (10 x table



Children will need their PE kit in school on Monday and Thursday. In PE, the children will be looking at Gymnastics with Mr Davies. 


  • Increase the range of simple songs, using voices. Control voices.
  • Introduce signing in songs. 






  • Loved by God - Religious 
  • Loved by God - Me, My Body, My Health British Values. (likes, dislikes, special people, friendships)
  • We will also be reminding ourselves of our online safety and ways to stay safe online.