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Summer 1

Our Summer 1 topics are 'Minibeasts' and 'Keeping Healthy'

RE - We follow 'Learning & Growing as the People of God'


  • Easter 'Alleluia'
  • Pentecost - The air around us


In Literacy we will look at the following texts:


In our Minibeasts topic we will cover the following: 


Number rhymes  - 5 little ducks, 5 little men in a flying saucer, 5 speckled frogs 

Numbers 1-5 – number blocks, number posters, manipulatives,

Children to consolidate their knowledge of numbers

Symbols and marks – Children to have a go at recording numbers – minibeast tally in the garden – marks or attempts at numbers

Problem solving – spots on a lady bird, animals legs

Spatial awareness, building, minibeast hotels with a range of materials.

Ordering – cardinal principle or counting and putting known numbers in order

Ordering cars in a car park, ordering snow men, snowman counting (body parts)


In our Keeping Healthy topic we will cover the following: 


Matching numbers 1-5 Naming and matching up to 5 objects to a number, match caterpillars foods and number, caterpillar dominoes etc.

Number rhymes – using props, fingers, practically with manipulatives  (as in previous)

Comparing quantities using language of more than/ less than same within a play situation

Counting in everyday contexts routines counting children, signing in, pencils for activities, fruit, milk

Shape  - name common 2D shapes and begin to describe them (pointy, curved, flat, round) building with shapes (shape pattern game), 3D shape exploration (which roll, stack etc)

Pattern creating a simple AB pattern

Hungry caterpillar picnic mat etc.

Past & Present

  • Know they can do more for themselves now that they could when they were babies.
  • Develop an understanding of yesterday and tomorrow.


People, Culture & Communities 

  • Talk about similarities and differences between their lives and the lives of others
  • Show an interest in the occupations and ways of life of others.


The Natural World

  • Show care for living things
  • Play with small world models of farms, trains, garages.
  • Talk about observations of nature – plants, animals, natural found objects.
  • Talk about why things happen and how things work

We will be following the Ten Ten Programme of Study and cover the following sessions:


Module 1
Created and Loved by God


Unit 4
Life Cycles

Session 2
New People, New Places


Module 2
Created to Love Others 



Unit 1
Religious Understanding 

Session 1
Role Model 


Unit 2
Personal Relationships 

Session 1
Who's Who?


Unit 2
Personal Relationships 

Session 2
You've got a friend in Me 


Unit 2
Personal Relationships 

Session 3
Forever Friends 


Unit 3
Life Online 

Session 1
What is the Internet?


Unit 3

Life Online 

Session 2
Playing Online


Creating with Materials

  • Experiment with blocks, colours and mark making using a variety of materials. Use lines to represent objects.
  • Begin to construct by stacking and making enclosures and creating spaces.
  • Join construction pieces together to build and balance. Show an interest in different textures.


Being Imaginative and Expressive

  • Use representation to communicate –e.g. draw or paint a picture of themselves, make a model of a house.
  • Make believe by pretending.
  • Role play based on experience and building stories around toys.
  • Join in with songs and begin to make up simple songs.
  • Create sounds by tapping, banging, shaking, blowing. Show an interest in the sounds made by musical instruments.
  • Begin to move rhythmically. Tap out simple rhythms. Join in with dancing and ring games.
  • Role Play Area - Doctor's Surgery 
  • Actions to our story texts 
  • Nursery Rhymes & Songs


Incy Wincy Spider

Little Miss Muffet

There’s a worm at the bottom of my garden

This old man

5 little speckle frogs
