Photographs of our learning
Year 2 had a very exciting Geography lesson today. As a class they created a travel video explaining many reasons why you should visit Brazil. ☀️🌊🐍🍍🗻These include both human and physical features that they have been learning about. Fantastic work Year 2! 🤩
🌍✨ Exploring the UK: Our Virtual Tour of London! 🇬🇧🚌 This week in Year 1, we embarked on an exciting virtual adventure through London! 🎉 We learned about some of the city's most famous landmarks, from the majestic Buckingham Palace to the iconic Tower Bridge. Our favorite moments included: 🕵️♀️ Spotting the Big Ben and learning about its history 🎨 Exploring the British Museum and discovering ancient treasures 🚤 Taking a virtual boat ride along the Thames River The children were so engaged and asked fantastic questions!

On the 22nd of April annually, more than a billion people unite to observe Earth Day, dedicated to protecting the planet from challenges like pollution and deforestation. At St. Joseph's, every class joined in the Earth Day festivities, engaging in activities such as crafting Earth Day posters, making pledges, participating in recycling initiatives, creating bird feeders, and producing Earth Day artwork. The children discussed the significance of our planet and explored different methods for its conservation. Well done!❤️🌎
Every class at our wonderful school turned out the lights and switched off all electrical devices for an hour today and reflected on their use of energy and how this affects our world. 🌏

Lots of hedgehog fun this week in Nursery. This week Nursery have had so much fun learning about hedgehogs. The children discussed how it is so important to look after God's creatures and our planet so the hedgehogs can survive. They have made: 🦔 Hedgehogs with clay and sticks 🦔 Hedgehogs by adding their spikes

Our litter pickers are in today’s Express & Star! 😍🌍 How fantastic to see our children’s actions being celebrated and reaching even more people in the local area!

Read the story by clicking on the PDF below!
This afternoon Years 5 & 6, accompanied by members of staff, a team of willing parent volunteers and Beth from Walsall Council were busy helping to create a greener tomorrow by litter picking in our local area. In 40 minutes, they collected a shocking amount of litter from the pavements close to the school - 12 bin liners full plus other items that had been fly tipped. Our children want to live in a cleaner Darlaston and are ready to tell those they meet about what they found and how it made them feel. They are determined to be citizens who care for the beautiful world God created and who influence others to do the same! Well done Year 5 & 6, we are very proud of you! #cafodlivesimply #CatholicSocialTeaching #Geography

We have used our Fieldwork skills to complete a traffic survey in two different locations near to school. We recorded the different modes of transport we could see around school and created graphs to represent our data.

Archaeology Dig- All the children at St Joseph's took part in an archaeology dig onsite to see what artefacts were under our grounds. We found mugs, tiles and pipes that dated back over 100 years ago. The children learnt about the location and what was around on different maps of Darlaston. Well done St Joseph's!

As part of our Geography, the children in Year 2 took part in a litter pick on our playground. The children said that they love to keep our grounds tidy and clean for everyone. Well done Year 2.

Yesterday, Year 1 and 2 took part in a litter pick assembly where they discussed the importance of recycling and putting rubbish in the bin. The children learnt how throwing their rubbish on the floor is bad for our environment and that we need to take care of God's world. The children told our visitor that at St Joseph's we make sure we keep our grounds tidy and we use litter pickers to help the environment. Well done Year 1 and 2! 🙂

Year 1 went on a litter pick around our school grounds as part of World Clean Up Day 2023. World Cleanup Day unites millions of volunteers, governments and organizations, in 197 countries and territories, to tackle the global mismanaged waste crisis and to help create a new, more sustainable world.

Year 1 visited Essington Fruit Farm as part of their Design and Technology learning. The children are learning all about where food comes from and how it is grown. The children enjoyed picking their own punnet of strawberries from the farm. We talked about our Geography interlinking with our visit and we talked about how the farm is sustainable. Well done Year 1! 🍓🤩

As part of Geography learning, Year 1 watch the daily news to find out about issues happening across the globe.

Miss Perry's class created a 'Save our Planet' pledge. The children thought about what they could do to help the planet at home and at school.

Reception have been learning all about ‘Under The Sea’. Here, the children have helped created a class display and a beautiful piece of artwork.

Reception had a whole day celebrating Chinese New Year by eating noodles, looking at the map of China and their calendar year.

The whole school took part in a Bollywood Dancing workshop where they learnt about the origins of Bollywood and the culture of Bollywood.

Year 1 created a class display in our hall to showcase the importance of our oceans.🌍❤️

In Geography, Year 3 have been learning all about Volcanoes. Year 3 enjoyed making their own volcanoes in class! 🔥🌋

Nursery have been making recycled craft to emphasise the importance of helping our planet. The children made ocean inspired work and were able to tell their teacher why it was important to help our planet! 🌍💙

Today, Year One had a fantastic online workshop with a charity called 'Born Free' - a global animal charity saving tigers, elephants, and many more endangered species. They work to combat illegal wildlife trade, protect habitats, rescue and rehabilitate animals. Born Free's mission is to ensure a future where animals thrive in their natural environments. Year one asked lots of wonderful questions and some of the children were inspired to work with wildlife charities when they are older. Well done Year One!😃

As part of their curriculum in Science and Geography, Year 2 had a brilliant time today at the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham. They enjoyed learning about the different plants that grow in different parts of the world and experiencing what it might feel like in the rainforest. 🤩

Year 2 used recycled materials to make bird feeders. This learning from Science directly interlinks with Geography as we are keen to save our planet. This afternoon they enjoyed hanging them up in our school garden ready for the birds. 😍🐦🌍 t

Year 5 carried out some Geography field work by conducting a traffic survey on Rough Hay Road. They found out that the most common mode of transport was walking and using cars. There were also lots of people using buses, but they saw no motorbikes or lorries
October 2022 - Year 4 spent time at Woodlands, exploring and learning about the natural environment while also developing their communication and leadership skills. Using GPS navigation units and short range 2-way radios (walkie-talkies) the children were sent off around the Woodlands site to find fact-files about the local wildlife before answering quiz questions set by the instructors over the radios. Their team work and decision making was crucial as the groups operated the electronic equipment to navigate around the course. Well done, Year 4!

Year 5 had a fantastic day at the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham continuing their Geography work on Biomes by learning about different plants and animals from different parts of the world. They got to hold a stick insect, a giant snail called Kevin, a salamander, hissing cockroaches, a Tenrec called Loki, a bearded dragon called Rambo and a corn snake called Toffee. They explored the glass houses and touched and smelt different plants from around the world and learned about how they have adapted to their Biome. They also explored the grounds and looked at local wildlife and even had some time in the adventure playground!
Year Two have been learning about Villages, Towns and Cities in Geography so they went for a walk around our local area . They identified some human and physical features and discussed the different types of houses and buildings.

The Geography displays in our classrooms help us with our learning. There are lots of lovely new books for us to read so that we can find out more information about the theme we are learning about.

Year Two have been learning about the population of the world and where people live. The children located the different continents using an atlas and discussed which places have a high and low population.
Year 5 have been learning about fieldwork and mapping skills. They have been creating their own sketch maps of the local area.

Year Two learning about animals from different places around the world at West Midlands Safari Park

Learning about rivers by making our own outside on the playground.

Years 1 -6 all spent time in the 'Environment Dome' learning about rainforests, food webs, animal adaptation, extinction and the effects of climate change. They had a fantastic day learning about the importance of looking after our world in a fun way.

We may not be always be able to visit all the places we are learning about in Geography but our pupils in our Key Stage Two classes had a fantastic Virtual Reality experience, thanks to Prime VR. Year 4 & 5 visited the Wonders of the World and Year 6 saw the impact of climate change around the world. In the words of Year 6, 'It was AMAZING!'