Spring 2
Our Spring 2 topics are 'Spring' and 'Easter'
RE - We following 'Learning & Growing as the People of God
- Lent - Jesus & his Father
- Holy Week
In Literacy we will look at the following texts:

- Show finger numbers' up
Number Patterns
- Extend and create ABAB patterns-stick, leaf, stick
Shape, Space and Measure
- Select shapes appropriate flat surfaces for building, a triangular prism for a roof etc.
- Measure - longer shorter and lighter and heavier
Understanding the World
The Natural World
- Show care for living things
- Talk about observations of nature – plants, animals, natural found objects
- Understand growth and decay over time
- Notice changes in the seasons
People, Cultures and Communities
- Discuss special events and celebrations in their own family.
- Know some things that makes them unique.
- Talk about similarities and differences between their lives and the lives of others.
We will be following the Ten Ten Programme of Study.
Expressive Arts & Design
Creating with Materials
Being Imaginative and Expressive
- Role Play Area - Garden Centre
- Actions to our story texts
- Nursery Rhymes & Songs
- 5 little bunnies
- Mary had a little lamb
- This little piggy
- Little Bo Peep
- Pitter Patter raindrops
- 5 little ducks
- Hot cross buns