Live in solidarity with the poor
Our Action Plan
Main action
1.We will choose CAFOD as our charity to fundraise for, encouraging children and their families to learn about CAFOD and get involved. We will plan a ‘Walk against hunger’ to raise money to support communities around the world. The children will create posters to promote the event and we will make this a big event by holding our Sponsored Walk on our school feast day.
We will watch CAFOD’s Fratelli Tutti animation and use the resources to find out about Pope Francis’ encyclical, and his call to us all to live as a single family in a common home. We will also learn more about Fairtrade and other global issues linked to our learning in Geography and Catholic Social Teaching using the following links:
3. We will use CAFOD assemblies, collective worship and resources in our teaching and learning during the year to raise children’s awareness of global issues including the Summer Campaign action “Step Up to the Plate”