Photographs of our learning
As part of their learning in PSHE, Year 6 enjoyed an 'Introduction to neurodiversity'. It was a really interesting afternoon which helped them to think about how to ensure everyone is included, valued and respected. Well done Year 6
In Year 5 & 6 we explore many different aspects of our learning using the Ten Ten's Paradise Street. Here are Year 5 learning about boys bodies.

Year One have been talking about mental health. Here are some of the children's suggestions for encouraging positive mental health. Well done Year One!

Year 3 completed their 'Pedestrian Training' in the local area. They considered the dangers they may encounter and learned how to cross different roads safely. Well done Year 3!
Year 6 had a very special visit from Valerie Vaz, a local MP for Walsall. She spoke to the children about her life, politics and democracy. The children asked her amazing questions and she was impressed with all of the amazing discussions we had. Well done Year 6!

In our PSHE lessons across the school last week we thought about the importance of 'Reaching out' to stop bullying. We thought about what bullying was, how to prevent it and what to do if we feel that we are being bullied or we have noticed it happening to someone else. On Friday we came to school in odd socks to remind ourselves that we are all different and that our differences make us special and should be celebrated.
Year 6 were visited by the police force as part of their learning about crime and punishment in History and linking with our understanding of British Values and the Rule of Law. The police talked to them about staying safe, crimes from the past compared to now, how the police force started and how crimes are dealt with. The children asked lots of amazing questions. Well done Year 6!

As part of our PSHE work this week, Safety Seymour and the CO Crew visited school to teach us about the dangers of Carbon Monoxide and how to keep ourselves and our families safe at home. The children listened brilliantly during an assembly and some classes took part in drama activities to help them understand further. They thought about where Carbon Monoxide might be in their houses, learned how to check for it and what to do if they thought it was in their homes. The children in Years 2 and 3 were even lucky enough to be given carbon monoxide alarms to take home to keep their families safe.
In their PSHE lessons during Anti Bullying Week , Year Two wrote 'One Kind Word' on the back of their kindness friend chain and made them both unique. Well done Year Two! ☺️

At the start of Anti-bullying week, the children came to school in their odd socks. During assembly we used our socks to remind ourselves that we are all unique and that it is good to be different. We also started a ripple of kindness using our kind words. Bullying is never okay! In our classes we will learn more about different types of bullying and make sure we all know what to do if bullying happens to us or someone we know.

Our children in Early Years had lots of fun learning about the Sikh and Hindu festival of light:Diwali. They spent the day dancing, dressing up, making Rangoli patterns with chalk, having Mehndi patterns drawn on their hands, making diva lamps out of clay and trying some tasty Indian food. They had a wonderful day!

In Year 6, our pupils learn basic First Aid - a fantastic opportunity to develop the skills that could one day save someone’s life. They learned how to respond in an emergency, put someone into the recovery position, deal with a choking incident, administer an epi-pen, respond to an asthma attack and administer CPR.

Our Year 5 pupils are able to complete Bikeability Level 1 to show they can control their bikes safely and our Year 6 pupils can complete Bikeability Level 2 to make sure they know how to ride their bikes safely on the road.

We learn about the importance of healthy food choices and are encouraged to taste a variety of fruit and vegetables.