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Understanding the World

Monday 20th May, 2024

Washing our hands 🧴🫧

We have been learning to wash our hands properly. 
We have also discussed the importance of washing our hands. 

Monday 13th May, 2024

Fruit investigators 🔍

Today, we investigated pears, oranges and bananas. 
We used our hand to feel the textures of each fruit. 
”Banana is slimy“

”Orange​​ is too juicy​“

”Pear is hard“

After we used our hands, we looked at the fruit through the magnifying glasses and then used the tweezers to see how hard or how easy it is to pick up the different fruits. 

Monday 8th April, 2024

🐜 Making minibeast hotels 🐜

We can talk about habitats and what minibeasts need to survive. 
We created a minibeast hotel using plastic bottles, tissue and straws. 
We discussed what minibeasts like to eat and where they like to live. 
