Homework Expectations at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
We believe that homework should be purposeful and manageable. Homework set will be appropriate to the needs and ability of your child.
READING: All children should read for 15 – 20 minutes every night. It is important for children to read many different books and then complete quizzes at school. This helps them improve and earns them points. PLEASE SIGN YOUR CHILD'S PLANNER AFTER THEY HAVE READ WITH THE AMOUNT OF PAGES COMPLETD.
SPELLINGS: Children in Year 6 will be given spellings to learn at home each week. These will be stuck into pupil planners and displayed on the class page of the school website.
MENTAL MATHS: Children in Year 6 will be expected to practice mental maths facts at home each week e.g. times tables, doubling facts, addition and subtraction facts. Please use your parent letter from our latest STAR Assessment to know what your child needs to work on.
TIMES TABLES: Year 6 have their login details for 'Times Tables Rockstars’ on the back page of their planners. They must practise their times tables as much as possible in preparation for the Year 6 SATs.
FRECKLE: https://student.freckle.com/#/login children must be aiming for at least 1 hour per week.
PRAYER BAG: Children will be given the class prayer bag to take home for one week during the school year. The children are encouraged to share prayers with their family and record their experience in the book provided.