Summer 1
Our Summer 1 topics are 'Minibeasts' and 'Keeping Healthy'
RE - We follow 'Learning & Growing as the People of God'
- Easter 'Alleluia'
- Pentecost - The air around us
In Literacy we will look at the following texts:

Experiment with their own symbols and marks as well as numerals.
Number Patterns
Notice and correct an error in a repeating pattern.
Begin to describe a sequence of events, real or fictional using words such as first then.
Shape, Space and Measure
Describe a familiar route.
Discuss routes and locations, using words like in front of and 'behind
Understanding the World
People, Culture & Communities
- Talk about similarities and differences between their lives and the lives of others
- Show an interest in the occupations and ways of life of others.
The Natural World
- Show care for living things
- Play with small world models of farms, trains, garages.
- Talk about observations of nature – plants, animals, natural found objects.
- Talk about why things happen and how things work
We will be following the Ten Ten Programme of Study
Expressive Arts & Design
Creating with Materials
- Experiment with blocks, colours and mark making using a variety of materials. Use lines to represent objects.
Being Imaginative and Expressive
- Use representation to communicate –e.g. draw or paint a picture of themselves, make a model of a house.
- Make believe by pretending. Role play based on experience and building stories around toys Join in with songs and begin to make up simple songs.
- Role Play Area - Doctors
- Actions to our story texts
- Nursery Rhymes
- Incy Wincy Spider
- Little Miss Muffet
- There’s a worm at the bottom of my garden
- This old man
- Five little speckled frogs