The members of staff in our Nursery Team are:
Mrs Bamforth (Teacher)
Monday - Thursday
Mrs Evans (Teacher)
Thursday & Friday
Mrs Machin (Teaching Assistant) Maternity Leave
Morning Session Children
- Please ensure your child is at school for 8.40am each morning.
- Ask them if they would like a bagel to eat for breakfast as they come through the school gate.
- The morning session ends at 11.40am and the children should be collected from the EYFS & KS1 gate promptly.
Afternoon Session Children
- Children will be collected from the EYFS & KS1 gate at 12.20pm by a member of the nursery team.
- The afternoon session ends at 3.20pm and children should be collected from the classroom.
If your child is entitled to 30 funded hours, please contact the school office with your code and remember to renew your application before the start of each term.
Drinks & snacks
We ask that all children bring a bottle of water (labelled with their name) into Nursery with them each day. All children are offered a carton of fresh milk plus fruit or vegetables as a snack during the morning and afternoon sessions each day free of charge.
PE lessons are taught by our specialist PE teacher, Mr Davies on Thursday for both the morning and the afternoon group.
On this day, please ensure children come to school dressed in their PE kits.
If it is raining or cold they can wear navy tracksuit bottoms/leggings and bring their PE pumps in a carrier bag.
In addition to these lessons, the children have ongoing opportunities throughout the week for physical development within the Nursery indoor and outdoor environment, such as using the climbing frame and throwing and catching balls and bean bags. There is also extra opportunity to develop the children's gross motor skills with both Mr Davies and the class teacher.
Reading Books
The children need to bring their reading books, school planner and book bags into school everyday so that staff can read with them. Please check / comment in your child's school planner when you have read with them at home and sign.
Reading books are changed on Mondays weekly.