Autumn 2
Religious Education (R.E.) –
In our first unit of the half term we explore the role of John the Baptist in the Baptism of Jesus and this also provides for us an opportunity for an in-depth study of the signs, symbols and prayers associated with the Sacrament of Baptism.
Our final unit of the term links the Old Testament and the New Testament in terms of preparing for the coming of Christ during the Season of Advent.
Writing –
Using our historical fiction text in Guided Reading, we will explore historical fiction and attempt to write our own story set during the Norman Conquest. We will look particularly at how to structure speech in our writing too.
In non-fiction writing we will learn about persuasive letter writing and use our History knowledge to write a letter persuading someone about who should succeed the throne of Edward the Confessor.
Towards the end of term, we will write poetry based on “The Greatest Gift.”
Our grammar focus will be: Speech, words instead of said, similes, historical language Word choices, first person, modal verbs, adverbials, paragraphs description, relative clauses, commas, similes/metaphors, prefix/suffix
Maths –
In our first unit, we will be multiplying and dividing 3- and 4-digit numbers by single- and double-digit numbers. We will find and define multiples and factors and common factors. We will begin to work with prime numbers and determine what makes a number prime or composite. We will also work with square and cube numbers before moving on to multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. Pupils are encouraged to use a variety of methods, including: number bonds, column methods and the grid method. Pupils then move on to multiply by 2-digit numbers before beginning to divide by 10, 100 and 1000. We will learn to divide, giving rise to remainders using multiple methods, including number bonds and long and short division.
In our last unit of the term, we will solve word problems that involve multiple steps and a variety of operations. Pupils will learn that applying the strategies learned in previous units is key in solving the challenges.
Mental Maths -
This half term we will focus on:
- Timestables with particular emphasis on 6s and 7s
- Recognition of place value up to 1 million
- Addition of single digit numbers
- Complements to 10 and 100
- Prime numbers
- Factors and products
- Square numbers
- Real life situations involving money
- Developing an understanding of the properties of numbers
Guided Reading –
This half term we are studying the book "I was there 1066 The Norman Conquest" by Jim Eldridge. We are expanding our experience of first-hand accounts and exploring characters and themes in the book which has a historical setting. We read for meaning and answer comprehension questions based on these using our VIPERS scheme
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar –
SPAG lessons this half term are on Thursdays and we will test previously learned spelling and have new spellings for the following week. We will also explore a variety of grammar features to support our work in writing.
Spellings for this half term include: Words with 'silent' letters, Modal verbs, Words ending in ‘ment’, Adverbs of possibility and frequency, Statutory Spelling Challenge Words.
Our grammar focus is: complex sentences; functions of fronted adverbials; using simple past, present and future progressive tense; relative clauses; pronouns and the function of apostrophes
Science –
Our Science focus for this half term is Chemistry – Reversible and Irreversible Changes.
In this unit we will further our knowledge of different states of matter and consider how some changes to materials can be changed back to the original material and how in some cases they cannot. We learn about how the processes of heating and cooling, burning and mixing affect different materials and explore how we might, or might not be able to recover the original material.
History -
In History, we will learn about the events surrounding the Norman conquest in 1066. We will consider who the rightful heir to the throne of England was in 1066 and what happened at the Battle of Hastings. We will learn about Norman castles, Norman life under the Feudal System and The Domesday Book. We will evaluate the impact of the Normans on British society and the changes in Britain as a result of the Norman Conquest.
Physical Education (P.E.)
In PE this half term children will be covering gymnastics and hockey. In gymnastics children will create sequences by performing actions such as rolls, jumps and balances with a focus on controlled movement and body tension. They will also, through the use of apparatus, attempt vaults and jumps focusing on safe and controlled flight. In hockey children will focus on controlling a ball by manipulating it through an object. They will be learning how to think tactically during a game and how to work as part of a team.
Children will need their PE kit in school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Computing – Computing systems and networks:
Systems and searching
In this unit, we will develop our understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices. We will consider small-scale systems as well as large-scale systems. They will explain the input, output, and process aspects of a variety of different real-world systems. We will also take part in a collaborative online project with other class members and develop their skills in working together online.
Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) –
In PSHE we will be exploring the Relationship and Health Education for Catholic primary schools from TenTen Resources. Module 1: Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.
DT/Art -
Our DT project for this half term will be textiles based. We will be designing, making and evaluating our own Mobile Phone cases, learning a variety of stitches and techniques to join materials. Additionally we will be participating in Batik Workshop.
Music –
In Music we will be learning about traditional music notation, note values, pitch names and time signatures. We will also be performing in a Christmas celebration of music at the Walsall Arena.
French –
In French we are learning to recognise and respond to directions and form directional phrases of our own.
We will read and understand a range of sentences including directions and form full sentences to ask and answer questions as modelled orally. We will be introduced to national identity and stereotypes.
We will use prompts to ask and answer questions that are necessary to complete information on a passport.