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Summer 2

Writing In English this term, we are studying The Morning I met a Whale. This story has a strong theme of respect for the environment, and reflects on the relationship between people and animals. 

The children will be writing:

A diary entry.

The children will be learning the key features for writing a dairy.

The children will also write a non-chronological report about Whales.




Religious Education (R.E.) In RE, the children will explore and learn that the Eucharist is a thanksgiving to God.

The children will look more closely at the importance of Prayer. They will learn that Prayer is important because it helps us to stay close to God. When we pray, we are opening up our hearts to Him and He is able to work in us and through us.


Guided Reading – In Guided Reading, we are studying the book Stig of the Dump. We will be looking at characters and themes in the book but also answering comprehension questions based on these using our VIPERS scheme. We will use these skills in VIPERS:








Maths – In Maths, we are focusing on Time. In this unit, the children will begin this topic by telling the time using 'a.m.' and 'p.m.', telling time to the minute, using analogue and digital time, and telling time by using both the minute and hour hands. The children will then learn to use the 24-hour clock and clocks using Roman numerals. After this, the children will be measuring and comparing time in seconds, minutes and hours, and finding start times and end times. They will then complete the topic by converting units of time and then finding a number of days in lengths of time.

Mental Maths -

This half term, we will focus on:


 •           Times tables 3,4,6,7 &8           

•            Adding and subtracting fractions                      

•            Measurements


Mental maths will be taught through the use of mental maths sessions, daily use of Freckle sessions where the children will focus on arithmetic style questions.

Rapid recall of their tables 3,4,5,6,7 &8

Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar – This term, we will be looking at Grammar Practice.


Week 1 -Commas

Week 2 – Apostrophes

Week 3 – Conjunctions

Week 4 – Time Conjunctions

Week 5 – Paragraphs


We will have a spelling test on a Friday.

The spellings for each week will be glued in your child’s planner at the start of each term:

Science – In Science, we will be looking at Magnetism. The children will be learning:


1.           What are non-contact forces?

2.           What are magnets?

3.           How does a compass work?

4.           How can we see a magnetic field?

5.           How can we tell if a material id magnetic or not?

6.           What are some uses for magnetic materials?

Geography – In Geography this half term, the children will be focusing on Rivers.

The children will be learning:


  1. Where are the world's rivers?
  2. How do rivers shape the land?
  3. What landforms do rivers create?
  4. Why are rivers important to people?
  5. What happens when a river floods?

During this half term the children will be learning

building their locational knowledge of the United Kingdom. They will be studying the locational knowledge of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England.

DT: Dips & Dippers


The children will investigate healthy eating and ways of processing food through designing and making healthy dips and dippers for a party. They will be are encouraged to think about food preferences and appropriate quantities for the particular event.


The children will prepare their healthy snack with the help of their parents on the 20th June during a parent workshop.

ComputingThis term, we are looking Branching Database.

The children will develop their understanding of what a branching database is and how to create one. They will use yes/no questions to gain an understanding of what attributes are and how to use them to sort groups of objects. Learners will create physical and on-screen branching databases. To conclude the unit, they will create an identification tool using a branching database, which they will test by using it. They will also consider real-world applications for branching databases.

Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) – In PSHE this half term, the children will be following the Life to the Full scheme.

French – In French this half term, the children will be focusing on French Playground Games:

Using their detective skills to spot cognates and working out meaning, children will learn new transport-related vocabulary and construct sentences using parts of the verb ‘aller’ – to go, and prepositions to express going on holiday to a different country or going to school by a particular mode of transport. The children discover that French is spoken in many countries around the world other than France.

The children will celebrate and study why Bastille Day is so important in France.

Physical Education (P.E.) – In PE this half term, the children will be focusing Athletics and Kickball Rounders. They will learn the importance of playing in team games and the skills required for each sport.  
