Spring 1
In our English lessons this half term we are reading:
During this unit of work we will be writing:
A non chronological report
A haiku style poem
In our maths lessons this half term we are learning about:
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions
- Word Problems
In RE this half term we will be learning about:
- Christmas - Children will reflect upon the journeys associated with the Christmas story and what these tell us about Jesus’ birth.
- Special Celebrations - Children will understand the Liturgical year as a celebration of the life of Christ. The children will learn about Baptism and Marriage as special sacramental celebrations
Our Science unit for this half term is ‘Human Lifestyle’. Children will investigate different parts of the human body and their important jobs. They will explore the importance of exercise and understand what a healthy diet looks like. Children will also find out how our bodies change as we get older.
In Geography this half term we are continuing our learning about 'Villages, Town and Cities'. Children will explore the local area of Darlaston and identify different human and physical features. They will draw a sketch map of the local area using key map symbols as well as use compass points in order to describe where things are on their map.
Later in the half term we will be learning all about 'Brazil' where children will locate Brazil on a world map and identify its major human and physical features. They will then explore why people visit Brazil and how the cities are different to those in the UK.
Children will explore how painters sometimes use paint in an expressive and gestural way. They will learn how to mix colours and understand the primary and secondary colours. Using a range of tools they will do experimental mark-making to create abstract artwork.
During this half term, children will learn to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs and will gain experience capturing, editing, and improving photos. Finally, they will use this knowledge to recognise that images they see may not be real.
The children will be using puppets to practise a variety of French greetings and learning how to introduce themselves. Choosing the correct greeting based on the time of day and asking someone how they are.
In PE this half term children will be studying Gymnastics with Mr Davies. Gymnastics will focus on performing a variety of shapes, jumps and rolls demonstrating good body tension and controlled movements. Children will also be studying indoor athletics where they will develop their gross motor skills through a variety of running, jumping and throwing activities.