School Logo

Year Six

Welcome to Year 6! smiley


The members of staff are Miss Maher and Mrs Cornes. Mrs Cornes supports children in Year 6 with their reading, writing and and maths skills. Mrs Applegarth also supports in Year 6. 


Children are required to be at school between 8.40 and 8.55am each morning.


Our PE days are: 

Tuesday - Swimming 

Friday - PE 

Please ensure children have the correct PE kit on these days.

Important dates for Summer 2


  • Wednesday 5th June – Visit to St Chad’s Cathedral in Birmingham

  • Thursday 6th June – Red Cross to visit Year 6 – First Aid Training

  • Tuesday 18th June – Music Exams in school

  • Wednesday 19th June – Year 6 trip to Cannock Chase Museum for WW2

  • Monday 24th June – Bikeability

  • Tuesday 25th June – Bikeability

  • Thursday 27th June – Year 6 parent workshop – Print Screening

  • Tuesday 2nd July – Music performance for parents – KS2 – 2.30pm

  • Wednesday 3rd July – Confirmation for Y6 children – 7pm

  • Thursday 4th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Play performance for parents – 2pm

  • Friday 5th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Play performance for parents – 2pm

  • Tuesday 9th July – KS2 Sport’s Day 9.15am

  • Friday 12th July – Reports go home to parents

  • Tuesday 16th July – Year 6 Leaver’s Mass – 2.30pm

  • Thursday 18th July – 170 stamp reward day

Reading Books


The children need to bring their reading books into school every day as we have quiet reading time every morning. The more they read - the more quizzes they can complete. Please continue to read with your children at home and sign their planners to make sure they receive their golden stamp.
