Autumn 1
In our English lessons we will be writing:
- A Defeat the Monster Tale in the form of a Greek Myth
- A non-chronological report on a mythical creature
This is linked to our History unit for this half term: Ancient Greece.
We are learning how to use correct paragraphs and lots of description.
Our units this half term for RE are Creation and Jesus Teaches Us How To Pray. We will be learning about key events and people in the Old Testament, the story of Creation and looking at the prayers Jesus learnt and taught us, including the Our Father.
Spellings for Autumn 1
Children in year 4 must know how to spell these words
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading this half term, we are studying the novel Bill's New Frock. We will be looking at characters and inference in the book, but also answering comprehension questions based on these using our VIPERS scheme.
In our maths lessons this half term we are learning about:
- Place Value to 10 000
- Addition and Subtraction
In Year 4, we work very hard on learning our times tables ready for the multiplication check in the summer term. So, it is very important that we know every times table fact fluently.
Our times tables for Autumn 1 are: 3x, 4x, 6x and 8x using doubles.
In Science, we are studying States of Matter (solids, liquids and gases). The children are learning about the three states of matter, how they change and about the water cycle.
In History, we are learning all about Ancient Greece. We are studying lots of tricky vocabulary and learning about: Ancient Greek life, beliefs, achievements and what we have today thanks to the Ancient Greeks.
Understand that adjectives change depending on whether they are describing a boy or girl, for example: sérieux and sérieuse.
Correctly identify a person from a description of their hair and eye colour.
Place word cards in the correct order, with the adjectives following the noun.
Give a spoken sentence to describe a friend.
Write four sentences accurately with the correct adjectival agreement, helped by a support sheet.
We are working at developing our confidence with playing solo sections from pieces of music.
This half term in PE we are studying invasion games focusing on football and basketball. Children will develop skills such as passing, shooting and dribbling in isolation and progress into small sided games with an emphasis placed on teamwork, understanding of the games rules and demonstrating good sporting values.
Class rules, school mission, British Values, growth mind set, diversity and meta-cognition.
We will remind ourselves about the importance of keeping safe online – keeping our passwords safe and learning how the internet can be used in different ways for communication.