In our beautiful garden, Year 1 have been drawing pictures of the wonderful plants we have planted. They reflected on the amazing world God has given to us. The children have also made watering cans out of recycled milk bottles and are enjoying using them to take care of the plants.
The children enjoyed planting potatoes in our school garden and are looking forward to watching them grow!
Year 2 used recycled materials to make bird feeders and enjoyed hanging them up in our school garden ready for the birds.
Reception class invited their parents into school to join them. They made small bug hotels and bird feeders to put up at home and in the school grounds.
Key Stage 1 planted spring onions and potatoes. They sold the produce at the end of the school day to parents and carers to raise money to help them plant more seeds.
Year 2 have been learning about micro habitats in Science. This afternoon we create some of our own micro habitats for the insects in our school grounds to live in.
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