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Autumn 2

Religious Education (R.E.)

In RE, we will be learning about Baptism, referencing the Gospel accounts of the Baptism of Jesus and describe, sequence and explain many of the signs, symbols and actions in the Sacrament of Baptism.


We will then go on to learn about Advent and how Christians prepare to remember the first coming of Christ and prepare for His second coming. We will also look at those who have proclaimed the coming of Christ.


Reading into Writing

In Reading into Writing this half term, we are reading the novel 1066: I Was There. This is a historical fiction story based on the Normans in the year 1066 which links well with our history topic. From this, we will write a historical setting description.


After that, we will be studying Roald Dahl’s play, The Witches. Using this, we will write our own​​​​​​​ play script scene.


We will be answering comprehension questions based on both texts using our VIPERS scheme, focussing particularly on inference and vocabulary.



Our Maths this half term continues with our multiplication and division of whole number unit. We will be learning how to carry out long multiplication of 2- and 3-digits multiplied by 2-digit numbers. Then, we will progress onto learning how to use short division and mental methods to divide whole numbers, with and without remainders.


After this, we will move on to looking at word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – deciphering key information and using this to create calculations to solve the problem.


It is still crucial that children keep on top of their times tables knowledge, so regular practise on TT Rockstars is essential. Copies of all times tables can be found at the back of the pupil planner.


Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar

SPAG is taught throughout the week and new spellings are given on Fridays


Spelling focus this half term: -tial/-cial, -cious/-tious, -tion/-sion, -cian, double consonant words and Year 5 words.


Year 5 words can be found at the back of the pupil planner – it is essential that the children know how to spell these.



In Science, we are learning about Space. We will explore the planets in our solar system, as well as the sun and the moon. We will observe the shape of the moon and learn about the shapes of others objects in space. Also, we will learn about how we get night and day, the orbits of the planets and why the sun appears to move across the sky.



In History this half-term, we are learning about the Normans. We will look at the contenders to the Throne of England in 1066, the Battle of Hastings, the Bayeux Tapestry, Feudal System and the Domesday Book.



Space Exploration in French

During this half-term the children will be developing listening and language detective skills through a space theme; using figurative language and developing sentence structure by adding adjectives and prepositions; making simple adjectival comparisons.



Creating media: video production

We will be looking at filming techniques, how to plan and create our own video production using a story board and then evaluating this.


Physical Education (P.E.)

Children will need their PE kit in school on Mondays and Thursdays: red round-necked PE top, navy shorts, plain black pumps.


This half term in PE we are studying gymnastics and hockey. This will help us develop team skills, rule following skills, balance and coordination.



In Music this half term we will be continuing to develop our composition and music theory skills while also preparing for our class pieces.


Design & Technology (D.T.)

In DT, we will be planning, preparing and making our own soups. We will taste a variety of vegetables and then decide which to use to make our own soup.


Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)

Our PSHE learning this half term is focussed around being created and loved by God. This unit explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.
