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Autumn 1


We will be starting off the year teaching: 



During this unit, children will learn all about the basic of grammar and punctuation including nouns, pronouns, verbs, capital letters and full stops.


We will then be reading: 



During this unit, children will be learning about the grammar and punctuation needed to write a set of instructions. 



To start our school year, children will be focusing on numbers to 100 where they will learn to represent, order, compare and partition numbers. Children will then move onto addition and subtraction of ones and tens in various different ways.




We will start our RE lessons by learning about our class Saint (St Patrick and St Therese of Calcutta) and St Joseph, our school Saint. We will begin by learning about ‘Old Testament Stories and Prayers’ where children will learn about the stories and the characters of the Old Testament. They will also be introduced to important images of God found in the scriptures. We will then move onto ‘Sharing in the life of Jesus’ where children will extend their knowledge and understanding of the life of Mary and Jesus and the call of the disciples.





During this half term children will be learning about Bonfire Night and Remembrance. They learn about why Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and explore why we celebrate bonfire night today. We will then learn about Remembrance Day and discuss how the UK and other countries commemorate those who died in the war.






Our Science unit for this half term is ‘Habitats’. Children will understand the characteristics of living things and develop their knowledge of food chains. They will learn about different types of habitats and think about how animals have adapted in order to survive in their habitat.






During art this half term, children will be introduced to the idea that artists can be collectors: they go out into the world, look at things in new ways, and bring things back to inspire their art. Children will explore observational drawing and experimental mark making, and think about how they can use composition to create their artwork.






During PSHE this half term we will be focusing on:

  • Class rules
  • School mission statement
  • British values
  • Understanding Catholic social teaching about family and community 
  • How we can care for the world we live in and protect our environment
  • How to keep safe in person and online
  • The celebration of Harvest when we give thanks for the food we eat
  • The positive contributions made by significant black people through History.




During this half term, children will learn about how information technology (IT) is being used for good in our lives? We will focus on IT in the home and explore how IT benefits society in places such as shops, libraries, and hospitals. We will also be discussing the responsible use of technology, and how to make smart choices when using it.


