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Spring 1

Religious Education (R.E.) – in RE, we will be learning about Christmas, particularly the main features of the Christmas story and the obsession of Jesus from Herod.


We will then go on to learn about the parables and sayings of Jesus, looking at the preaching of Jesus and how God’s presence was welcomed through Him. We will also consider how the Church is the Kingdom of God on Earth and how it lives out the teachings of Jesus.


Reading into Writing In Reading into Writing this half term, we are reading the novel The Last Bear. This is an adventure story about a young girl who travels to the Arctic Circle with her father and discovers a lone polar bear. From this, we will write a journey/adventure story and an explanation text. We will be answering comprehension questions based on the novel using our VIPERS scheme, focussing particularly on retrieval, inference and vocabulary.


Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar

Year 5 words can be found at the back of the pupil planner – it is essential that the children know how to spell these.



Spellings for Spring 1

Week 1: bough, cough, enough, bought, though, thought, thorough, plough, drought, sought


Week 2: co-ordinate, co-operate, co-author, co-own, re-enter, re-educate, re-explain, re-evaluate, re-energise, re-explain


Week 3: telephone, telegraph, telepathy, microphone, automobile, automatic, graphics, signature, quadrilateral, microscope.


Week 4: impatient, irregular, discovered, misplaced, unnecessary, irrelevant, impolite, preview, autobiography, transplant


Week 5: coarse, course, mince, mints, queue, cue, cord, chord, draft, draught



Our Maths this half term focusses on graphs and fractions. We will be learning how to read information tables and line graphs and answer questions relating to these. In fractions, we will be writing improper fractions and mixed numbers and converting between them; using division to make fractions; finding equivalent fractions; comparing and ordering fractions including improper and mixed; adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions which are proper and mixed by whole numbers.


It is still crucial that children keep on top of their times tables knowledge, so regular practise on TT Rockstars is essential. Copies of all times tables can be found at the back of the pupil planner.


Mental Maths -

This half term we will focus on:

  • Counting backwards in 2s including negative numbers
  • Factor pairs and highest common factor
  • 7 and 8 times table


Geography - In Geography we will be learning all about the world’s different biomes. We will look at what a biome is and research the main six in more detail. We will also consider the damage that can occur to an ecosystem and a biome, as well as how we can protect and preserve them.


Science In Science, we are learning about Human Development. We will be looking at how humans grow and develop before birth, in childhood through to old age and the factors that can affect typical human growth and development.


Physical Education (P.E.) 

Children will need their PE kit in school on Mondays: red round-necked PE top, navy shorts, plain black pumps.


This half term in PE, Year 5 are doing dance.


Year 5 are swimming on Tuesdays this half term – they need a swimming costume, a swim hat and a towel to participate in this.


FrenchShopping in France: During this half term the children will learn to construct high numbers in French, develop food-related vocabulary through games, stories and role-play and build on their understanding of sentence structures, questions and phrases, equipping themselves with language they could use when shopping in France. They will also develop their language detective skills, facing an entirely unfamiliar authentic French text.


PSHE – Our PSHE learning this half term is focussed around being created and loved by God. This unit explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.


MusicIn Music this half term we will be looking at composition of a piece of music by studying a variety of genres (pop, rock, etc).


ComputingProgramming: we will use physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming, by using the Crumble programming environment. We will use microcontrollers (Crumble controllers) and learn how to connect and program components (including output devices- LEDs and motors), control the flow of actions and use repetition and selection (through the if, then structure).


Art In Art, we will be learning about Vanessa Gardiner and creating our own landscape images using her techniques and style as inspiration.



