Autumn 1
Our Autumn 1 topics are 'All About Me' & 'Colours'
RE - We follow 'Learning & Growing as the People of God'
- Creation - God the Creator
- God our Father Cares for Us
In Literacy we will look at the following texts:
- Recognising numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Number Patterns
- Comparing sizes, bigger, smaller
- Beginning to recognise and make patterns
- Subitise, recognise the number 1, 2 and 3 without needing to count
Shape, Space and Measure
- Begin to explore 2D shapes
- Make comparisons about objects related to their size
Understanding of the World
Past & Present
- Know that grandparents and parents are older than they are.
- Know that some children are younger / older than them and others.
People, Culture & Communities
- Talk about significant events in their lives, their families and other people’s.
- Talk about special events and celebrations in their own family, like their birthday.
- Know some things that makes them unique.
- Talk about similarities and differences between their lives and the lives of others.
- Show an interest in the occupations and ways of life of others.
Expressive Arts & Design
Creating with Materials
paint a self-portrait of themselves.
- To paint butterflies, practising patterns
- I can create shapes using playdough/salt dough
- I can finger paint the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Paint Rainbows
- Glitter bottles
- Firework Pictures
Being Imaginative and Expressive
- Role Play Area - Home Corner
- Actions to our story texts
- Nursery Rhymes & Songs
- Heads ,shoulders,..
- Ring a ring o roses
- If you’re happy & you know it
- Row, row, row your boat.
- Here we go round the mulberry bush
- Miss Polly had a Dolly
- Hickory Dickory Dock
- I can sing a rainbow
Managing Self
- learn to wait their turn
- talk about being safe around fireworks
Managing Self & Building Relationships
- learn about the importance of sharing
Self-Regulation & Managing Self
- learn different to ways to manage their feelings