Autumn 2
Religious Education (R.E.) –
In this unit the children study some important stories about the life of Jesus and the revelation of his presence in the world. The will also learn about some of the symbols of Baptism and their association with belonging to the Family of God.
In this unit of work the children will learn about the ancestors of Jesus and that he was descended from the House of David. Through this work the children will be able to place the story of the first coming of Jesus into an historical context.
Reading Into Writing –
This half term our shared class reading will continue to be from the book ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ by Maz Evans.
In our Writing we will be exploring newspaper reports focussing on alliteration, relative clauses, speech and the use of paragraphs.
We will also read Michael Morpurgo’s “Giant’s Necklace.”
In our writing we will focus on writing setting descriptions based on the beautiful pictures in the book.
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar
In spellings we will be learning and practising a variety of letter combinations:
Week 1: myth, pyramid, gym, mystery, Egypt, bicycle, rhyme, type, style, python
Week 2: measure, furniture, treasure, picture, pleasure, adventure, capture, creature, fracture, future
Week 3: television, decision, division, invasion, confusion, version, diversion, excursion, pension, tension
Week 4: poisonous, tremendous, dangerous, jealous, outrageous, adventurous, enormous, famous, generous, nervous
Week 5: disappoint, misbehave, disagree, mislead, disobey, misspell, dislike, misplace, disappear, misunderstand
Week 6: immature, refresh, impossible, return, impatient, reappear, immobile, repeat, improbable, review
Maths –
Multiplication and Division
The children will learn how to multiply and divide by 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12. They will learn how to calculate multiplication equations using the multiplication facts that they know. They will understand the difference between sharing and grouping and they will understand the commutative law in multiplication.
Further Multiplication and Division
The children will learn how to divide and multiply by 1 and 0 and understand the law of commutativity. They will learn how to multiply three numbers together and use their tables and knowledge of place value to multiply multiples of 10, leading to the multiplication of 2-digit numbers using short multiplication. They will use their knowledge of multiplying multiples of 10 when multiplying multiples of 100, leading to multiplying 3-digit numbers using short multiplication.
Pupils will learn more about division and will divide 2-digit numbers using two methods, including numbers with remainders.
Geography - Migration, Hemispheres and Tropics.
We will look at the different types of migration, why people migrate, what an emigrant and an immigrant is and the effects of climate change. We will also be learning about the earth’s hemispheres, tropics and comparing the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as looking at time zones around the world.
Science – Human Anatomy
In this unit, we will be learning:
- Different types of teeth
- Functions of teeth and different teeth for food
- Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
- Investigation – Our enamel and sugar
- The human digestive system
6. Scientist – Washington Sheffield
Physical Education (P.E.)
On Tuesdays, Year 4 will be Swimming. Please ensure your child had the correct swimming kits including hats and towels!
The children will also be learning Hockey skills and will need their PE kit in school on Fridays: red round-necked PE top, navy shorts, plain black pumps.
French –
During this half term the children will be learning vocabulary to describe items of clothing, along with the different forms of the indefinite article. Incorporating previous learning about colour into their descriptions of clothing and recapping the concept of adjectival agreement. They will also express their opinions about outfits in French.
Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) –
We will be using out TenTen Resources to learn about the topic - LTTF: Get up!
Our Catholic Social Teaching focus will be: Dignity of the Human Person
We will participate in Anti-Bullying Week and also learn about Migrants & Refugees
Our British Values focus will be Tolerance and we will think about Christmas around the World
We will also learn about finances and Money through the Money Matters Course for LKS2 Lessons 4-6
Creating media - Audio production
Learners will identify the input device (microphone) and output devices (speaker or headphones) required to work with sound digitally. Learners will discuss the ownership of digital audio and the copyright implications of duplicating the work of others. In order to record audio themselves, learners will use Audacity to produce a podcast, which will include editing their work, adding multiple tracks, and opening and saving the audio files. Finally, learners will evaluate their work and give feedback to their peers.
Art/DT –
In D&T we will practising our sewing and making skills to create fabric wallets.
Music –
We are working at developing our confidence with playing solo sections from pieces of music.