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Spring 2



In our English lessons this half term we are reading:



We will be writing a character description 



We will be writing a diary entry. 



In our maths lessons this half term we are learning about:

  • Multiplication - 2, 5 and 10 times tables 
  • Division 
  • Shape - 2D and 3D 




In RE this half term we will be learning about:


- Lent - Children will develop their knowledge and understanding of the Season of Lent and the importance of the theme of forgiveness during this time.

- Holy Week - Children will develop their knowledge and understanding of the events of Holy Week including Psalm Sunday, the Last Supper and the Crucifixion.






Our Science unit for this half term is ‘Plants’. Children will record and make observations about plants. They will understand the conditions needed in order for plants to grow and explore the life cycle of a sunflower. We will discover what plants we can eat and how they grow. Children will learn about the work of Jane Colden and what she discovered.




In Geography this half term we are learning all about 'Villages, Town and Cities'. We will be finding out about where people live and exploring the different features of settlements. We will then look at the land use within a city and think about some advantages and disadvantages of living in different settlements. 



Design and Technology 

In our DT lessons, children will be designing and making their very own fruit salad. Children will taste a range of fruits and explore food hygiene and safety. Once children have designed their healthy fruit salad, they will use a range of techniques using different utensils.  When children have made their final design, they will do an evaluation thinking about what worked well and what they would change.





In PE this half term children will be studying Tennis with Mr Davies. Children will develop their hand-eye coordination through throwing and catching a tennis ball.  They will focus on manipulating a ball on the floor through use of a racket in small sided floor tennis games and begin to hit the ball with some control as it is bouncing.




During PSHE this half term we will be focusing on:

  • British Values – Mutual respect
  • How we all have different likes and dislikes
  • The feelings we have inside
  • Catholic Social Teaching – Option for the poor and vulnerable
  • Keeping safe online 




This half term the children will learn to respond to common classroom instructions through games. Learning vocabulary for classroom items. Understanding that every French noun is either ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine.’  They will also learn about the different traditions in France for Easter.



During this half term, children will learn about data and information. Children will begin to understand what data means and how this can be collected in the form of a tally chart. They will learn the term ‘attribute’ and use this to help them organise data. Children will explore how to present data in the form of pictograms and block diagrams.



This half term children be exposed to a variety of different skills on the full range of classroom instruments (Drum Kit, Keyboard, Glockenspiel, Melodica).  
