School Logo

Autumn 1

This half term our theme is All about me. We will have a focus on ourselves and our families as well as being part of our new class. We will be learning the expectations and routines of Reception and finding our way around our new classroom.


As part of our topic we will think about our likes and dislikes, our families and how we all change from birth. We will use our imagination and take on roles as we use our home corner. 


Some of our expressive arts and design activities this term will be around self portraits and looking at ourselves. We will also experiment with creating art with loose parts using autumn collections. We will play guess who games with baby pictures of our classmates and our teachers too! 

We will explore basic time lines - our day, our week and changing seasons around us. 



Our Talk for Writing texts this half term are 'Owl Babies' and 'Golidlocks'.


Children will be learning to listen, respond and join in with actions to retell the story. They will answer questions about the text and characters, take part in role play and learning how to use a story map.


Children will be writing about the story using simple phonics to spell words. They will label pictures and make meaningful marks in their work. Children will be learning to form recognisable letters using the letter rhymes we have learnt in phonics.



In maths we will be focussing on early counting skills, being able to count by rote and then count objects accurately with one object for each number name.


We will also be looking at naming and sorting objects by size and colour. We will explore 2D shape and identifying a simple patterns around us.

In RE children will be learning about our class saints, St Joseph and Mary. They will begin to learn our daily prayers and the sign of the cross. We will work hard each half term towards our school virtues.


Children will also learn the story of creation. They will learn how the world was created and our important role in looking after it.

In PE this half term children will be starting their first lessons. They will be learning to get dressed with increasing independence and to organise their belongings. They will be learning to listen to instructions and basic skills needed to play games and use equipment.


In Music the children will be learning to listen and identify sounds, sing rhymes and songs. They will begin to keep the beat and hear different instruments as well as being able to play some instruments too.
