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Expressive Arts and Design

Week beginning 21st October, 2024

All about me - Self portraits

This week we have been making our self portraits.

We talked about what we use our eyes, ears and mouth for and the colour of our skin and hair. We also discussed that we are all different but have some similarities. 

We painted our faces, used string for our hair and used some eye stickers for our eyes.

It has been lots of fun making our portraits. 

Tuesday 15th October, 2024

Senses- Painted hand prints

Today, we have been learning about our sense of touch. We made imprints of our hand prints using paint and talked about what the paint and the paint brush felt like on our hands thinking about our sense of touch. 

Tuesday 24th September, 2024

Rainbow sun catchers ðŸŒˆ

In our expressive arts and design lesson today, we made some rainbow sun catchers with tissue paper. We talked all about the colours in the rainbow and decorated our own rainbow with our favourite colours. 
