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Autumn 2



In our English lessons this half term we are reading:


During this unit of work we will be writing: 

A character description 


During this unit of work we will be writing: 

A non-chronological report 




In our maths lessons this half term we are focusing on:


  • Addition and subtraction 





In RE this half term we will be learning about:


- Parables and Miracles - Children will find out about a range of miracles Jesus performed and the parables he told.

- Advent - Children will develop their knowledge of the time, symbols and characters of the liturgical Season of Advent. We will be exploring Advent being a season of preparation for Christmas through the story of John the Baptist.






In Geography this half term, we are learning about ‘Brazil’. Children will locate Brazil on map and identify the human and physical features. We will be exploring why people visit Brazil and the differences between cities in Brazil and the UK. Children will learn about the weather patterns in Brazil and compare them to where we live. Finally, we will explore who lives in the Amazon Rainforest and find out why it is getting smaller.





Design and Technology

In our DT lessons, children will be designing and making their very own car where they will explore and use mechanisms including wheels and axles. When children have made their final design, they will do an evaluation thinking about what worked well and what they would change.





During this half term, children will learn about programming. Children will develop their understanding of instructions in sequences and the use of logical reasoning to predict outcomes. Children will use given commands in different orders to investigate how the order affects the outcome. They will also learn about design in programming.




During this half term, through instrumental performance, children will learn a repertoire of pieces in an ensemble setting. Pieces include:  Reggae Four, Rise and Fall.  





In PE this half term, children will be covering dance and dodgeball. In dance, children will explore different ways of moving in time to music and look to co-operate with others to perform short routines. In dodgeball, children will develop their throwing and catching skills in a competitive environment that encourages team work, honesty and a sense of fair play. 

