Autumn 1
Autumn 1
Reading into Writing – We will be studying the book ‘Varjak Paw’. Children will look at the themes and characters of the book and answer questions based on these. We will be using our ‘VIPERS’ scheme and look at questions based on retrieval, inference, prediction and vocabulary. Children will build up their comprehension, retrieval and inference skills in these lessons.
Writing – In English this term, we are studying 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare. We will be focusing on a newspaper report of the battle and descriptive poetry based on the 'Witches Potion' in Act 4. Children will also watch media linked to Macbeth and even complete a drama workshop linked to the book.
Maths – In Maths, we are focusing on reading and writing numbers to ten million, comparing numbers to 10 million and rounding these numbers to the nearest place value. We will also be focusing on using mixed operations (BODMAS), multiplying by two-digit numbers and dividing by two-digit numbers.
Religious Education (R.E.) – We will start the year by learning about our school patron saint – St. Joseph and go on to learn about our class saints–St Maximilian Kolbe and Saint Oscar Romero. Our first RE unit focusses on ‘The story of the people of God.’ We will look at the Old Testament Character such as Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Moses and Queen Esther. Our second RE unit focuses on ‘Followers of Christ’ and we will look at different vocations and the lives of the disciples who followed Jesus.
Geography - In Geography this term, we are learning about population and where people are in the world. We will be looking at population pyramids, how and why population changes, consider the challenges a growing population brings, looking at food distributions and examining the population density of the UK.
Science – In Science this half term, we are looking at Sustainability. We will be looking at what everyday materials are made from, why recycling is important and what can happen to our world if we don’t recycle. We are also looking at fossil fuels and what happens when these fuels are burnt. We will be looking at what global warming and climate change is and how we can make a difference today for our future.
Physical Education (P.E.) - In PE this term, the children will be working on invasion games focusing on Tag Rugby/Netball We will be recapping basic skills of the game such as passing and shooting, combined with a tactical approach to small sided games with an emphasis on how to outwit opponents.
French – This term in French, we will learn how to describe a house, the different rooms and who lives there. We will also learn about prepositions to explain where items are arranged in bedrooms and consolidate the grammar and vocabulary we have learned by writing a letter to describe our family, home and bedroom.
Music – In Music this half term, we are looking at different traditions in music and classical composers (Pachelbel’s Canon)
Art – In Art this half term, the children will be looking at the artist Lubaina Himid. They will be looking at 2d drawing to 3d sculptures.
They will look at the following objectives:
- That drawing and making have a close relationship.
- That drawing can be used to transform a two dimensional surface, which can be manipulated to make a three dimensional object.
Computing – In Computing this term, we will remind ourselves about the importance of keeping safe online. We will also be looking at Computing systems and networks - Communication and collaboration. In this unit learners explore how data is transferred over the internet. Learners initially focus on addressing, before they move on to the makeup and structure of data packets. Learners then look at how the internet facilitates online communication and collaboration; they complete shared projects online and evaluate different methods of communication. Finally, they learn how to communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet.
Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) – Our focus in PSHE this term is looking at class rules and responsibilities and rights. We will also be exploring: our school mission statement, looking at British values, democracy and elections, being safe online and how to have a growth mind-set and wellbeing.