Spring 2
Religious Education (R.E.)
In this unit of work the children will study the role of angels in the story of Christmas. They will learn about Christians being messengers of Christ’s Good News in the world today and how the Church celebrates the Feast of Christmas.
In this unit the children will study some important stories about Moses and God’s relationship with the people of Israel. They will also learn about the life of King David. Through this unit children will be introduced to some images of God associated with these stories and also some important religious themes such as prayer and vocation which arise from this study.
Reading Into Writing
We will be reading “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling during our whole class reading lessons and will be using the story to inspire our writing. We will create character descriptions of some of the main characters from the story and also use our narrative writing skills to retell parts of the story.
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar –
In spellings we will be learning and practising a variety of letter combinations:
Week 1 spellings: forgetting, forgotten, beginning, beginner, prefer, preferring, gardening, gardener, limiting, limited
Week 2 spellings: young, touch, double, trouble, country, county, couple, cousin, enough, encourage
Week 3 spellings: addresses, answers, appears, arrives, businesses, centuries, possesses, groups, babies, monkeys
Week 4 spellings: accident, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe, build, calendar, caught, centre, certain.
Week 5 spellings: supermarket, supersonic, submarine, subtract, internet, interact, automobile, automatic, anticlockwise, antisocial
Further Multiplication: Pupils will use their tables and knowledge of place value to multiply multiples of 10, leading to the multiplication of 2-digit numbers using short multiplication. They will use their knowledge of multiplying multiples of 10 when multiplying multiples of 100, leading to multiplying 3-digit numbers using short multiplication. They will learn more about division and will divide 2-digit numbers using two methods, including numbers with remainders.
Fractions: The children will be introduced to hundredths. They will learn about mixed number fractions and improper fractions. They will learn how to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions. They will learn how to add and subtract fractions and will solve addition and subtraction word problems.
Science –
Electrical Circuits (Physics)
In this unit the children will learn about different electrical appliances and what the different components are in an electrical circuit. They will create circuit diagrams and build simple circuits, experimenting with a variety of switches. They will gain an understanding of what conductors and insulators are and learn about the scientist Thomas Edison.
History –
The Romans
This half term we are learning all about the Roman invasion of Britain. We will look at the expansion of the Roman empire, their important figures and leaders, the invasions of Britain by Caesar, Boudicca’s revolt and the lasting legacy of the Romans on Britain. We will also have a Roman visitor in school to help us experience the life of people in Roman times!
Physical Education (P.E.)
Children will need their PE kit in school on Wednesdays and Fridays: red round-necked PE top, navy shorts, plain black pumps.
This half term in PE we are studying dance, gymnastics and dodgeball.
We are working on skills including: balance, coordination, teamwork, following a routine and memorising rules and steps.
French –
French weather and the water cycle
During this half term the children will be learning phrases to describe the weather and vocabulary for the compass points; counting from 1-100 in multiples of ten; combining this knowledge to make statements about what the temperature is in different parts of France and to deliver a weather forecast. The unit culminates in a French science lesson, where the children explore the water cycle and recognise scientific cognates.
Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) –
Using the Life To The Full resources from TenTen, the children will learn:
- How similarities and differences between people arise as they grow and make choices, and how we can work to create community.
- How self-confidence arises from being loved by God.
- About the need to respect and look after their bodies as a gift from God through what they wear, what they eat and what they physically do.
- What the term ‘puberty’ means, and understand that puberty is part of God’s plan for our bodies.
- To explore and use strategies for positive mental health.
Art –
Storytelling Through Drawing
We will be learning how to tell stories through drawing.
· About the artists Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan.
· To record our thoughts and ideas in our art book.
· To use line, shape and colour using different materials to experiment with ideas.
· To think about how we might use composition, sequencing and text in our drawings.
· To create a finished piece continuing sequenced images to describe a narrative.
· To talk about what we liked about our art work and what we found tricky.
Computing –
Programming A – Repetition in shapes
This unit is the first of the two programming units in Year 4, and looks at repetition and loops within programming. Pupils will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will use Logo, a text-based programming language.
Music –
We are learning how to play in harmony and how to read some notes on sheet music.
We will also be studying some theory of music, including key vocabulary and some music history.
Other Important Information | |
Virtues Focus: Grateful & Generous | Catholic Social Teaching Focus: Solidarity & The Common Good |
Dates for your Diary: Tuesday 7th January – Epiphany Mass in School (2:30pm) Thursday 9th January 2025 - Roman Workshop Saturday 11th January at 4pm – School & Parish Mass at SJD Tuesday 14th January – Y4 at Parish Mass Thursday 16th January – Young Voices Friday 24th January – Jubilee Launch Day Thursday 30th January – One Life Music Whole School Retreat Day “Pilgrims of Hope” Wednesday 5th February – Y4 Art Day Tuesday 11th Feb – Safer Internet Day ‘Too Good to be True’ Times tables club is on a MONDAY until 4.15pm. |